29: Parents

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"Of course there's a catch." I breathed out, closing my laptop in frustration. I stood up from the couch and went upstairs to find Buck freshly out of the shower. "Maybe we just stay here and take the search slow." He suggested.

I shrugged and sat on our shared bed. "No I have literally taken every single thing slow and look where I've ended up." I said. "Yeah like what?" He challenged.

I sighed. "I'm not doing this with you Buck." I huffed. "All I'm saying is we have 5 months before Evie will be born. We have time Alissa." He said as he got dressed. I leaned back against the headboard, noticing Buck putting on decent clothes for once.

"Why are you getting all dressed up?" I questioned. "Maddie called and told me my parents are in town, mind coming with me?" He spoke out as he fixed his hair. I groaned and stood up, walking over to our clothing rack. I picked out a dress that I knew would fit, since nothing else did, and put it on.

"Wow." Buck said breathlessly. I smiled at him and walked towards him. His blue orbs locked with mine and suddenly it was like we were the only people in the world. Buck caressed my cheek and lifted my chin. "You are beautiful." He said, leaving small kisses all over my face.

I let out a small giggle and connected our lips. Our moment was interrupted by his phone ringing. "We have to go." He sighed.


We arrived at Maddie's house a short 15 minutes later. "Can't we just like go on a date instead?" Buck said seriously. "I know it's hard, but it will be over before you know it." I said to comfort him.

Finally we left the car and walked into her house. Inside sat a woman with grey hair and a man next to her. "Oh Evan!" She said getting up to greet him. "Who is this?" She asked gesturing towards me. "Uh, mom this is Alissa. My girlfriend." He stammered.

"It's very nice to meet you Mrs.Buckley." I smiled at her. She nodded while looking me up and down. "Have you ate already?" She asked me. "No ma'am." "Well you are quite round in the stomach. Don't work out much I assume." She said studying my baby bump. Her words immediately stung.

"Mom, Alissa is pregnant. That's her baby bump." Evan scoffed at his mother. "You're raising another man's child?" She said getting slightly upset.

"With all due respect Mrs.Buckley, this is our baby together." I spoke up, not feeling comfortable with her speaking about me like that. "My Evan? Having a child? Very unlikely, he's still a child himself." She spat out.

"It's mine mom. We're having a baby girl and her name is Evie." He said sternly. I watched as her face contorted and she looked almost sick to her stomach. I went and sat on the couch next to Maddie. Buck did the same.

"You've grown into a handsome young man." His father said. "And you Alissa, you look great. Congratulations to you guys." He smiled slightly. Buck nodded, "Thank you dad, really it means a lot." He said.

"Maybe you guys want to try and get to know Alissa?" Maddie said. "Where are you from?" Their mother said.

"Nevada." I responded. I couldn't wait for this to be over. "And how old are you?" "22, my birthday is coming up though."

The next few hours went by slower than slow. It really sucked seeing how degrading Buck's mom was being towards him and Maddie. It unfortunately brought back memories of my parents.


After leaving Maddie's we decided to do a little baby shopping. We arrived at the mall and Buck opened the door for me. I got out of the car and we went inside.

"I'm so sorry my mom treated you that way." Buck said grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together. "Don't worry about it. It's okay." I said as we walked into the first baby store we came across.

"I read not to get too many newborn sized clothes and to get 0-3 months instead." Buck said browsing through the first rack we came across. "Yup, I made that mistake with Brielle and wasted so much money." I laughed looking through the rack next to him.

"Aisling?" A voice from behind me called out. Before even turning around, I recognized to voice to be that of my mother's. "Buck we have to go. Like now." I said frantically dropping the items I had picked out. "W-what? Why?" He said slightly startled by my movements.

"My mother." I said grabbing his hand and walking out of the store fast. I tried to walk past my mother before she realized, but a hand on my shoulder halted my movements. "My sweet girl! I have missed you." Her thick Italian accent filled my ears. I nodded slowly, my hand gripping Buck's tightly.

"Aisling let me get a good look at you!" She squealed looking me up and down. "That glow! How far along?" She asked noticing my small bump. "17, almost 18 weeks." I said quietly. "Is this the father? He's real handsome."

"Mother this is Buck, my boyfriend of nearly a year and yes he is the father of our daughter." I spoke quietly, leaning into Buck. "Nice to meet you. I hope you treat my daughter well." The older woman said.

"Oh uh yes. Always, she is the light of my life." Buck said putting an arm around me. "Good talk but we have to go." I said quickly, grabbing Buck's hand and walking out of the mall as fast as possible.


Arriving back home I immediately went and sat in the living room. My feelings were all in a jumble. Between Buck's parents and my mom popping up, I felt conflicted. Part of me wanted for Buck and I to just leave our toxic families behind us and just focus on our little family we were starting. The other part of me wants both of our families to be involved, for them to accept us for who we are and shower us and our daughter with nothing but love.

"I'm sorry today was so shitty." Buck said sitting next to me. "I'm sorry too." I said, still stunned from seeing my mother. "Hey, is everything okay?" He asked me. The color had been drained from my skin since the encounter.

"No." Is all I could say before my eyes swelled with tears and I began crying. Buck pulled me into his embrace, rubbing my back in soothing circles. "I know my love. I know." He whispered.

"I'm s-so sorry your parents don't like me. I-I wish they did." I choked out, tears continuing to run down my face and onto Buck's shirt. Buck pushed my shoulders back slightly, lifting my chin so I was looking at him.

"That is not your fault. My parent's opinions about you mean absolutely nothing." He said looking straight into my blue eyes.

"You know why? Because I love you. Because you mean the most to me and what they think will never ever change how I feel about you." Buck said placing a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"I love you."

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now