11: Homecoming

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I've been in the hospital for 5 days. It's been the most miserable experience ever. Buck never left my side though. Eddie hasn't given up on checking in on me. It was a kind gesture, but I know he was broken deep down since Buck and I made things official.

Today I was finally getting discharged. It was the best feeling. I still had a long road of recovery ahead, but at least I was able to get home.


Buck walked into the hospital room covering his eyes. "Are you dressed?" He asked. I laughed. "Yes babe and even if I wasn't well you're my boyfriend and you are bound to see me naked at some point" I laughed again solely because of the fact that he has already seen me without clothes.

He moved his hands from his face and smiled at me. "Are you ready?" He says gathering his bag. I nod and take a deep breath, my body shuttered a little as it still hurts a little. "So ready. I can't wait to see Brie and sleep in a real bed" I smiled.

"Our bed you mean?" He smirked at me. I decided on moving in with Buck, his apartment is significantly smaller compared to my house which is better for my recovery. And of course Brie had her own room there. The only bad part is that I now have to introduce Buck as my boyfriend to her and she won't take that well. Especially since she's so attached to Eddie.

Buck grabbed my hand and led me out of the hospital to his jeep. He helped me get in and we were off.


We finally pulled into his complex and I seriously couldn't wait any longer. I got out of the car and raced, very slowly, up to the apartment. I let myself in with my key and walked in.

Buck's apartment felt so comfortable, it's open design making it feel spacious. Unfortunately i now had to wait for Buck to come and help me into bed.

"Baby you okay?" Buck said walking in. I nodded. "I wanna lay down but I need you to help me up there and to set me up" I had to lay a specific way so my shoulder wouldn't hurt so bad. I walked to the edge of the first step.

Buck placed his hand on my lower back to help guide me up. My meds made me a little dizzy and unbalanced so walking up or down stairs was a challenge. I walked slowly up the stairs, Buck being patient with me as he guided me.

I tripped a little on the last stair and before I even had the time to take another breath, Buck was there grabbing my waist making sure I wouldn't fall. The way he cared for me was so cute.

He helped me get situated in bed and sat next to me. "Evan?" I said looking at him. Evan. Truth is, I prefer Evan over Buck, idk why. I just do. "Alissa?" He said mocking me. I rolled my eyes "I just wanted a kiss baby" I shrugged.

"Hey when is Brie coming?" I asked quickly changing the topic to annoy him. He rolled his eyes. "Eddie's bringing her by later and Chris too" he smiled. I was excited to see my daughter and Chris, but less excited about Eddie.

"Now can I get that kiss?" He asked as he smirked at me. I loved how affectionate he was. We were both fairly clingy and it was nice to have matching energy. With Eddie, he was affectionate, but not nearly as much as Buck.

"Yes" I looked over at him. He gently grabbed my chin and kissed me. It was like fireworks. My heart fluttering at his gentle actions. My body loving the feeling of his touch. I couldn't help but to smile in the kiss. "Alissa I want everything with you" Buck whispered as he pulled away.

I looked into his eyes. They were full of passion and love. "Everything?" I questioned, even though I knew what he meant. "Yes baby everything. I want to experience the world with you. I want to marry you. I want to have a family with you." He somehow looked even deeper into my eyes. "I am crazy about you. I've been crazy about you since the day I met you Alissa."

His voice rang in my head. "I want that too Buck, but I feel like I should just make it known that I want to take this relationship slowly. I don't want to rush to be the picture perfect family like it was with Edmundo." He nodded, his demeanor not changing. He still looked into my eyes with the same amount of love.

"I'm okay with that Alissa. I will do anything or wait however long, just as long as I have you." I smiled. I was so happy in this moment. The circumstances weren't the best, but I didn't want anything more or less in this moment. It was cut short when there was a knock at the door followed by Eddie and the kids walking in.

"Momma?" I heard Brie say, she seemed panicked. I looked at Buck. "Please go get her?" I asked him. He smiled and went downstairs. A few moments later he returned with Brielle. "Be gentle with mom okay Brie? We don't want her to get hurt." Buck said calmly as he lifted her onto our bed.

"Are you okay mom? I missed you" Brie said as she hugged me lightly. "Yeah baby I'm okay. I just got a little hurt at work, but I'm going to be as good as new" I said as I ran my hand through her hair. She was well taken care of while I was gone and it made me happy.

Eddie walked up and asked Buck to get Brie because he wanted to talk....

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें