34: Life Changes

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"No no no. That does not look good!" I said to Buck. We were setting up the nursery and putting in the finishing touches. "Babe it looks fine. It's just some books." He said leaving them the way he originally set them.

It's been 3-ish months I've been back at the fire house, meaning I'm now 8, almost 9 months pregnant. 36 weeks to be exact. I have been nesting, anxiously awaiting Evie's arrival. Everyone else has been too.

"No it doesn't. Please just fix it." I told him. He stood up and walked over to me. "Calm your ginger ass down." He laughed as he wrapped his arms around me. "It has to be perfect, Evie deserves perfect." I stressed.

"Babe, it will be. I promise." Buck said. He kissed my cheek before ushering me out of the room. "Fine." I said, sitting down at the table.

"So I figured that since our little Evie will be born soon, we could go on one last date?" Buck spoke, a small smile creeping onto his face. "That sounds fun." I tried to hold back a smile.

Buck always pulled off small gestures, but to me they are the best. I love that he pays attention to the little things, the little things are what matters the most.

"Go get ready, something comfortable. Then we'll leave."

"Keep up!" Buck laughed as he watched me walk, more like waddle, down the sidewalk. "I'm pregnant and I ate too much." I complained. Buck walked back to me and grabbed my hand.

"I'm glad we ended up together." He said quietly, holding my hand a little tighter. "Me too." I looked up at him and smiled.

This was the first date we'd been on in awhile. Starting back at the firehouse and prepping for Evie's arrival has pretty much taken over my entire life. It felt good to go out and enjoy time as a couple.

Life moved so quickly once Buck and I finally got together, we didn't get to go on many proper dates.

"We're going to be parents in 1 month." Buck said. "Before you know it Lis she'll be here. My very first daughter." He smiled, resting his hand on my baby bump.

I smiled. "You're going to be a great dad babe." I told him. "I can't wait." He left a small kiss on my head.

"Mhm." I hummed, honestly I have been feeling some cramping throughout the day, but it had picked up during dinner and was now feeling like contractions. "What's wrong?" Buck asked, noticing my discomfort.

I shrugged. "I'm alright. Just a little cramping." I said getting into the car. "What do you mean?" He panicked a little. "Babe, I'm alright. I promise. It's normal." I reassured him.

2 days later

"Brixton. A word please." Cap said poking his head out of his office. I sighed and walked over. These conversations have never gone well in the past.

"What's up Cap?" I said sitting in a chair in front of his desk. "I just wanted to check in on you. You've been pacing almost the entire day." He said. "Yeah I'm okay." I said standing up and leaving his office.

The truth? I've been having contractions all day. They haven't been consistent for the most part, but they're still there.

I walked in between the ladder truck and the ambulance and continued my pacing. The pain was growing stronger and the only way I could handle it was by pacing.

Then I felt it. Liquid running down my legs. "Alissa?" Hen said as I looked up to meet her eyes. "Hen." I smiled lightly.

"Buck! Baby Buckley is making her entrance any minute now!" She yelled. Of course, in true Buck nature, it took no less than half a millisecond for him to show up by my side and ushering me into the jeep.

"I can't believe you're having her!" Rylee smiled as she sat in the hospital room with me. "Me either. She's early though." I said trying to ignore the fact that I wasn't due for another 4 weeks.

Rylee looked over at Buck. "She's nervous, but we'll be okay." He said. I looked around the room, trying to hold back tears. Buck grabbed my hand. "Evie will be perfect Alissa." He said.

To say I'm nervous is an understatement. I am terrified. She is too early. "You know you're allowed to admit you're in pain." Rylee said noticing another contraction. I shook my head, "I am perfectly okay. It's nothing I can't handle." I said, squeezing Buck's hand.

That was a lie. It hurt like hell, but I wanted to do this naturally with no meds. "Hey Ry, can you go get Dr. Adam? I think I'm crowning." I said calmly, feeling a lot of pressure. She nodded and jetted out of the room.

"Hey Al." Dr. Adam said as he walked in. "Hey Ty." I said, showing a small smile. "I'm going to take a look here okay?" He said snapping gloves onto his hands. I nodded as he checked.

"Definitely crowning, you know the drill." Tyler, aka Dr. Adam, told me. I nodded and gripped Buck's hand tighter. "I'm scared." I whispered. "We got you and Evie Al." Rylee said. I started to feel a contraction come on.

"Push now." Ry said, grabbing my other hand to support me. I held my breath and pushed for what felt like 10 minutes until the contraction ended. Then the whole process again 2 minutes later.

"You're doing great baby." Buck smiled at me, his eyes trying not to wonder to see what was happening down there. "Oh for fucks sake Evan. Just look. I don't care." I snapped at him feeling yet another contraction.

Once again I pushed...squeezing the life out of Buck and Rylee's hands. "I'm too tired." I let out after it passed. "You're so close Al, just one more good push for us." Tyler said looking up at me.

I shook my head. "No. I can't, I'm too tired." I said, tears beginning to roll down my face. I watched as Rylee nodded at Buck. "Alissa baby, she's almost here. You've done so damn good. You're strong, you can do this." Buck reassured me.

I sniffled, feeling a contraction start. I took a deep breath and pushed as much as I could. I felt a relief in my body and leaned back with my eyes closed.

Then I heard it...a small cry erupting from below me. I opened my eyes to see Tyler holding Evie. "Dad, would you like to cut the cord?" Tyler asked Buck. Buck nodded quickly getting into place and cutting her umbilical cord. I didn't even notice that I was crying.

Tyler set her on my chest. I started crying a little more, Buck now at my side admiring our little girl. "Hi baby!" I said, my voice shaky. "She's so perfect Lis." Buck said.

We were both just in awe of the baby that was in front of our eyes. This was it, our dream. We have our dream. Engaged, 2 perfect kids and happiness.

"Our Evie."

(A/N) Hi Friends!! I know I've been gone for a hot minute, life has been wild. I'm back and ready to write!

The moment we've all been anxiously awaiting has finally come, Evie is born! I have some interesting plans for Alissa and Buck

After chapter 40, I will split this into a second book, and continue Alissa's story there
I will of course let you guys know when that happens!

Thank you guys for all your support and patience

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now