23: Fall Apart

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I walked into the firehouse, it's been a few weeks since the breakup, tension between Buck and I has been off the charts, especially after he found out about my secret relationship with Eddie. Buck was trying to act like nothing happened, but everyone could feel the jealousy that spewed between the two of us. Him jealous of Eddie, me jealous of Taylor.

"You have been leaving us too much." Chimney said coming over to me and engulfing me into a tight hug after I missed 1 shift. I let out a small laugh and his grip tightened. "Uh Chim, I can't breathe." "If you can talk you can breathe." He said as he let go of the hug.

"Alissa, a word please." Bobby stepped out of his office and waved me over. I walked into his office and he gestured me to sit down in one of the chairs in front of the desk. "What's up Cap?" I asked taking a seat.

"Your relationship with Buck is raising some red flags to the chief." He started off with, I looked at him. "And? It's my personal life?" I sat back in the chair. "We both know personal issues can affect us on the job. Everyone can see that you and Buck are not 100% out on the field. The chief is transferring you to another station."

I sat up immediately. "What?! Bobby no!" I said as I struggled to hold back tears. "I'm sorry Brixton, chief's orders." Bobby eyes glistened with regret and guilt. "No! You have to fight this please." I began to break down. "You'll be with the 133 now. They are expecting you asap."

I walked out of Bobby's office, slamming the door behind me. I went into the locker room, my face red and tears of anger streaming down my cheeks. "Hey can you help me fix my uniform?" Buck walked into the room. I shook my head silently as I gathered my belongings.

"Uh A-Alissa, where are you going?" I stayed silent, shoving my clothes into my backpack. Evan left the room, only to return with Hen. "Lissa what are you packing up for?" She inquired. "The 133." I mumbled as I felt more tears fall from my eyes.

"What?" The two said in sync. I finally turned around revealing my teary face. "Bobby told the chief about me and Buck's breakup and now I'm getting transferred to the 133." I tried to push my way out of the room but Buck held me back. "Alissa are you serious?" His eyes got glossy.

"Go ask Bobby for yourself." I made my way out of the locker room and to my car. I sat my bag in the backseat, the same seat I would always buckle my Brie into.

"We're gonna have such a fun beach day with Eddie." I lifted my red-headed daughter into her booster seat in the back of my truck. "Mom can we get ice cream after? Me you and Eddie?" She flashed her toothy smile, I couldn't say no to that adorable face. "Of course princess." I buckled the seatbelt that went across my 8-year olds small body.

I felt my heart break a little more, thinking about how I won't buckle up my daughter anymore. My life has been made into a mess. Finally it all hit me at once. In the parking lot.

I started to cry hysterically as I fell to the ground. I lost everything. My daughter, my boyfriend, my firehouse, my home. Everything I live for.

"Hey hey, Alissa it's okay." I felt arms wrap around my body as I sobbed even harder. Whoever it was just held me and rubbed my back while I cried into their arms.

"Come on, let's get you home." I finally looked up and saw Buck. He looked into my blue eyes and wiped the tears from my face. I nodded and got up.


"I'm sorry this happened." I said to Buck as he made me a cup of tea. "You don't have to be sorry Lis." He told me as he finished up, setting the mug on the counter in front of me.

Being back in the apartment I considered home was scary. Was this a step in the direction of Buck and I getting back together? My earlier thoughts still lingered in my mind. My life was truly falling apart at this point.

"But I do want you to talk to me." Buck sat next to me at the counter. "There's nothing to talk about." I said taking a sip from the mug. Buck looked at me, giving me a concerned look.

"It's just I'm losing everything. I lost Brie, I lost you. I was able to deal with Brie because I had you, but I don't have you anymore." I looked away as I spoke to Buck.

"I'm sorry Alissa. I overreacted and got in my head about Eddie. It's just that ever since he started at the 118, I feel like I've always had to compete against him." He said looking at me.

I looked over at him, our gazes connecting. "You have me Evan. You always have, since day 1." I said recalling the moment I began to fall for him.

"Hey who is she?" the blonde headed, blue eye boy says towards my direction.

"She would be Alissa, Alissa Brixton" I say as I look in his direction. "Welcome to the 118 newbie" he laughs walking over to me.

He is attractive to say the least, I was a little shocked to see him honestly.

"I hope that's true because I want you back Lis." He said making his way to my side. "I need you, but I didn't realize it until recently" I said, Buck connecting his arms around my body.

He nodded. "Everything isn't fixed 100% though. I want that to be clear. Especially since you got back with Eddie."

"And I don't want you to move back here yet, I still need time." He pulled away. "Stay for the night though, we'll worry about your house tomorrow."


(A/N) sooo I'm back from a very long writers block, and this part definitely shows it so I apologize for the shitty filler. I got super busy when I went out of town and I've been working ever since I got home, but I'm back to writing now!!

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