10: Why Me?

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That is when I felt it. A hot pressure. Then everything went black....

I woke up to bright lights. I quickly sat up and immediately felt pain in my shoulder. "Easy there baby it's okay" I heard who I assumed was Buck. "Buck?" I asked, my voice raspy and hoarse.

"Yes babe it's me" he got up and grabbed my hand. "What happened?" I don't remember a thing. I just remember feeling hot then I woke up here.

"Okay um so Alissa you got shot" he rubbed his thumb along my hand. "What?" I couldn't believe what he just said. "After the ambulance left, someone in one of the cars tried to shoot the lock off their door, but it hit you" he explained.

I was scared. What if this was the end of my career as a firefighter paramedic? I couldn't be hurt right now. I started to cry a little. Half because I was scared and half because I was in a lot of pain.

I looked over at Buck. His eyes looked so tired and like he'd been crying. His hair was a mess like he hadn't washed it in a couple days. His hand gripped mine tightly as if he was never going to let go of me. Yet even through all of that, he looked into my eyes with so much love.

"How bad is it?" "They were able to get the bullet out and everything. There were no complications and you should make a full recovery" I nodded. He gripped my hand tighter.

That's when Eddie walked in. "You're awake?" He said looking over at Buck. "I am" I felt awkward. Both men who wanted me. Me who wanted both men.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as Buck got up, excusing himself from the room. Eddie quickly took his spot. "Like I got shot" I rolled my eyes. His comment about Buck and I was still ringing through my head.

"Alissa don't start this right now. I have been so worried about you" I shook my head. Eddie looked well rested, freshly showered and not at all like he'd been worried.

"Bullshit!" I spat at him. "Get the fuck out. I want Buck" Eddie shook his head. "No Alissa I'm here. I'm your boyfriend." I shook my head this time.

"No Buck is my boyfriend. You are not so get out!" I was angry at this point. Buck walked in the room as soon as I said that. "Eddie I think it's time for you to go. She can't get worked up right now"

Eddie had the dirtiest look on his face as he left the hospital room. I didn't care though. All I wanted and needed right now was Buckley. The one who had been here. The one who stopped his whole world for me.

"Did you mean it?" Buck looked into my eyes. His blue eyes always caught my attention. They were beautiful. "Yes" I nodded.

He smiled big, eyes lighting up as he grabbed my hand. That alone made me feel so good. I make him happy. He kissed my hand a few times. "Finally you're mine god I am so happy right now" he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Not to ruin the moment, but when am I allowed to leave?" I asked. Buck looked at me, the happiness disappearing from his face. "Not for awhile baby" I nodded.

I started to feel tired. "I'm sleepy Buck" I wasn't sure if I was allowed to sleep. He nodded "you can sleep"

And I took those words and fell right to sleep.


I woke up to the worst pain in my shoulder. Tears rolled down my face. "Buck" I called out hoping he would run to my side. Nothing. "Buckley" I said again. Again nothing. I looked around what I could see of the room. Nobody.

This only made me cry harder. The pain in my shoulder getting worse as I started to hyperventilate. My heart started racing. It wasn't long before 2 nurses came rushing in because of my high heart rate.

"He's coming don't worry. I need you to take a few deep breaths for me." The sweet nurse said. I did exactly that as Buck ran into the room.

The nurses left the room once he came in. "I'm so sorry baby I was just outside" he said sitting next to me on the bed. I nodded, "it hurts" is all I could get out.

My shoulder was throbbing, a shooting pain ran through my body starting at my shoulder. The pain was so intense that it was hard to speak. My hands started to shake as a result of the pain.

"Hey baby it's okay, they're getting you meds okay?" He grabbed my hands, rubbing his thumb along the back of my hand. I just cried silently. I wanted to go home, get back to work and stop being in pain. Why did it have to be me who got shot?

I was frustrated with the whole situation. I guess Buck could tell I was getting worked up in my head because he leaned over and kissed my cheek. "It will all be over soon" he whispered in my ear.

Finally the nurses came in and gave me more meds. They made me tired. I was scared to sleep again from fear of waking up with Buck gone and being in pain again. I kept dozing off and soon Buck realized this.

"Alissa you can go to sleep" I shook my head. "When I wake up you won't be here again" I said gripping his hands tightly. I needed my boyfriend.

"I promise you I won't move from this spot okay? Baby you need to sleep." I finally gave into Buck and the sleepiness that consumed my body.

Hopefully this sleep will be peaceful and uninterrupted.

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now