37: Crybabies, Tailpipes and Unfriends

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"Alissa." Hen smiled as I walked into the firehouse for the first time in 2 months. "Hen." I smiled back and she engulfed me in a hug. "I'm glad to have you back. The testosterone levels in here have been dangerous." She laughed, my eyes spotting Eddie, Chimney and Bobby at the dining table.

"What's wrong with Buckaroo?" Chimney yelled from above, noticing Buck's red and puffy face. "Someone couldn't handle leaving Evie this morning. Crybaby!" I let out a chuckle. Buck's eyes found mine, his face looking like I've offended him to the highest degree.

I separated from the group, walking into the locker room. I opened my locker and shoved my bag into it. "You know, we could just go home and cuddle with Evie all day." Buck's voice making me jump.

"You could've warned me that you were behind me." I said, slipping into my uniform quickly. "And no, we can't. Evie needs diapers and formula and we need paychecks to get those for her." I said, fighting the urge to do exactly what Buck suggested.

I looked at Buck as his eyes started to fill with tears. "Evan," I frowned, my hands cupping his face.

"She will be okay, it's only 12 hours and we'll be home with her before you know it." I assured him, just as he did with me last night.

"I just miss her so much." A few tears rolled down his cheeks. His blue eyes looking straight into my green ones. "I do too, I'm sure she misses us too. Shove it away for now." I stood on my tippy-toes, leaving a small kiss on his lips before starting to pull away. He prolonged the kiss a little bit longer.

A loud bang interrupted the interaction, looking behind Buck I was met with Eddie. "There are rules ya know."

"Don't be pressed because you aren't getting laid!" I snapped before making my way out of the locker room.

"Alissa, you can't just snap like that." Eddie said following behind me. "Yes I can!"


"So how is baby Buckley?" Hen asked, looking over at me and Buck. "She's getting so big." I smiled. We were currently on our way to a call at a local bar, where a girl somehow got her head stuck in a tailpipe.

"Too big." Evan added, making everyone besides Eddie laugh. "He's more emotional about her than I am! And I'm the one who's hormones are all wacky." I giggled, poking fun at Buck.

Arriving at the bar we all hopped out, grabbing our respective gear as we made our way into the bar. Buck and Eddie leading the group. "Holy crap, you're hot." One of the girls said towards Buck.

We all looked dumbfounded at the girl who was on all fours with her head in the tailpipe of a red truck. Next to it stood a guy, who kept his hand attached to the truck.

"What's her name?" I asked. "Betty." The guy said, "Jennifer!" The girl said from beneath us. I shook my head as he tried to explain that he thought I was asking about the truck.

"This is your truck?" Cap asked as Eddie turned and faced me shaking his head. "Yeah, but it's not like I backed into her. She did this out of her own free will." He defended himself. The girl who previously hit on my fiancé stepped forward. "You dared her!" She snapped.

"We were flirting!" I let out a loud laugh, as everyone looked at me. "Sorry! But your idea of flirting is daring her to stick her head in your tailpipe?" I asked, still laughing. Buck got down underneath the truck checking everything out as Chimney and Hen checked up on Jennifer. "Why is this tailpipe so large?" Chimney questioned.

"These things are meant to increase power to the engine." Buck said coming from underneath the truck. "TSA 230 saw should to the job, right Brixton?" Bobby said.

"For sure Cap, let's take this thing apart."


"I love this job sometimes." I laughed, throwing myself onto Buck's lap as he sat on the couch upstairs at the firehouse. "There's like 5 other open spots that you could've chosen." He groaned.

"But none of those spots are my fiancé's lap." I ran my hand through his hair.

"Whatever you do Lissa, don't dare Buck to stick his head in the tailpipe of your car." Hen laughed, patting Buck's shoulder as she passed by.

Eddie walked up the stairs and almost immediately the smile on my face dropped. Everyone noticed, it was only a matter of time before one of them said something.

"Can we talk about the elephant in the room?" Chim said grabbing an apple off the table and taking a bite of it.

"What is between you two? Dingus 1 and dingus 2." Hen further pressed.

Truthfully, I was just irritated with Eddie. Somewhere along the 7 month mark of my pregnancy Buck, Eddie and I sat down and talked through our problems. Buck and Eddie were on the verge of being best friends again. I was okay with his existence, we actually became friends.

During our 2 1/2 month leave, everyone would come check in on me and Buck. Bobby and Athena brought us dinner frequently. Chimney and Maddie would come and give us some extra time to sleep. Hen and Karen would come over and keep us company and help out with the baby.

Everyone except Eddie. I don't know if it was hard for him to see that Buck and I had a child together or what the hell his problem has been. Two days after Evie was born when everyone came to visit he was also missing from the group. He didn't even text us a congratulations.

Evan, of course, didn't think much of it at first. That was until I mentioned it. Now Eddie is receiving the cold shoulder from us both.

"Congratulations Alissa and Buck. I'm so happy for you guys." I said, giving Eddie a death glare.

"What is this about?" Eddie said, finally getting over my antics. "Those are words that never came out of your mouth. Those are words that friends say when their friends have babies!" I snapped at him for the millionth time today.

"Those are words that friends say to friends. We have history, it felt awkward." Eddie tried defending himself.

"It's been over a year! Get over it!" I rolled my eyes. "Actually no never mind. I'm unfriending you." I said, only being half serious.

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now