spook patrol.

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"How many fingers?" Melissa asked as she held her hand  in front of Delilah's face.

"Three," Delilah grumbled with a pout, thinking the situation was ridiculous. 

Melissa nodded in confirmation before quickly moving out of the way for Derek to look her over with a frantic pass of his hands. His assessment felt almost more thorough that Melissa's but then again Melissa didn't thread her fingers gently through the tangled mass of curls to check every available inch he could reach.

She flinched as his fingers probed at the back of her head where she was hit. Derek retracted his hand before he could open the newly healing cut.

He let out a long breath of discontent that his wife was hurt and he couldn't do anything about it. 

Nevertheless, Delilah was fine. Annoyed, but fine.

"Noah's on the roof waiting for us," he told her with a soft whisper as she nuzzled into his hand still cupping her face. His thumb lightly traced her jaw before caressing the column of her neck.

"I shouldn't have left you," he concluded as his hand moved to feel the healing bump on the back of her head again. "Do you remember what happened?"

Delilah shook her head no before wincing at the slight sting in her neck. It was only stiff now, probably from when she suddenly collapse to the floor but in a few minutes she would no longer feel it.

"I was coming after you and then something smashed me in the head."

He scowled at the anger bleeding into her words. It took a lot to get the jump on her, especially since she started to come into her own.

"Did you find Scott?" Delilah asked as she tried to school her pout. Her wounded pride should not be their focus.

Derek's face pinched and he sighed through his nose in that way Delilah knew was him trying to keep his cool. He was rattled but wasn't about to show how much while they still remained leaning against the hospital wall. "Strangely no."

He paused before lowering his voice. "Sean's dead."

Delilah closed her eyes before tilting her head back to focus on the ceiling. "Did you see...?"

"No," Derek answered mournfully. "He fell off the roof before I got there."

Delilah opened her eyes again and let out a calming breath.

"He didn't jump," he reassured her.

She nodded.

"Wendigos aren't usually driven to suicide," Delilah grumbled.

"Wendigos?" Melissa asked with confusion from her spot leaning against the opposite wall. 

From where she stood, she could keep a eye out down both ends of the hospital hallway and it was a good thing she did as she eyed one of the hospital administers turning the corner towards them with a deputy stuck closely to their side. They both looked a little green around the collar, probably from having come from the morgue where Sean's unfortunate and last victim had been moved too.

"Flesh eaters," Delilah confirmed for her friend's benefit and sat up with Derek's hand resting against the small of her back for support. "Lydia and Parrish found the family's 'food supply' in a hidden room in their house and no doubt the FBI has been called back in to help with victim identification."

Delilah looked to Derek who was observing her carefully and not particularly listening to what she was saying. He was more invested in ensuring she was alright to move before they joined Noah on the roof and away from the questioning that was headed directly there way.

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