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Author's Note: sexual content

"Delilah, come on! You know I didn't mean it like that..."

Delilah slammed the cruiser door shut with a little more effort than necessary. Even the satisfying rattle of the window didn't calm her.

She was fuming.

Derek turned the key in the ignition and the engine fell silent. He he let out an exaggerated breath and quickly followed after her.

"Then how did you mean it?" Delilah spat while turning her around to face him with a whip of her wild hair. If he wasn't mistaken, she looked like a harpy ready to dole out her punishment. 

Derek opened his mouth but no words were available. He stared at Delilah positioned on the porch with her hands on her hips, nostrils flared and close to tears.

He could only gape like a fish thrown onto a dry river bed under the paw of a ravenous bear. Any move he decided to make would ultimately lead to his demise.

"I just meant..."

Delilah didn't wait for long for his answer. She turned on her heel and disappeared into the house.

The front door slammed behind her. The force rattling the living room window. To her, this one brought moderate satisfaction. 

Derek hung his head backwards and looked up into the late morning sky.


He had really screwed this up and he didn't mean it, not in the slightest. In fact, he was trying everything with in his power to avoid this very situation.

Taking in a deep breath he sat down on the front porch step and rubbed aggressively at the back of his head.

He needed time to reflect on how he got here.

Everything was fine while they waited in the hospital room. Calm and quiet as Issac breathed deeply beneath his blankets.

"Are you sure he will be okay?" Delilah had asked Derek as he walked backwards down the hall towards the parking lot. He might have looked ridiculous but he wanted to keep both of their hands clasped together and his gaze set on her.

"Positive." Derek nodded and lifted their joined hands to kiss her knuckles. "Issac's breathing has improved and Melissa informed everyone on rotation to call if there is any change. He'll wake up soon. I know it."

Delilah bit nervously onto the side of her bottom lip. "Still, I don't like the idea of him being alone. What if he wakes up panicked and lashes out? You know how he does in unfamiliar situations."

"Issac wouldn't," Derek said with matter of fact certainty. 

Delilah stopped walking. "How do you know?"

Derek thought of the blankets and pillows she had had Erica bring in from home. "Because you made sure everything's in his room smells like home. He will know he is safe."

Delilah still looked unsure. She turned her head to look back down the hallway to where Issac's room room remained. The door was closed to keep any sudden sounds to a minimum. 

"Erica is going to be with him after class and I'm picking her up after visiting hours end."

Delilah gnawed on her bottom lip as she turned back to Derek. He dropped her hands and cupped her cheeks as he hummed low in his throat. Gently, he pulled his thumb across her lip to release it from her teeth.

"He also would want you to go home." Derek added with the most sincere timbre to his voice. "We need to sleep."

She nodded with a deep sigh.

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