this town is weird.

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"So, how was it?" Melissa asked as she leaned into the patio furniture next to Delilah. A pair of sunglasses were shielding her eyes from the sun as she watched the woman beside her rub sun screen onto her arms. 

As promised, they were hosting a BBQ in Noah's backyard to celebrate Stiles victory at the lacrosse game and the approaching end of the summer break. Delilah would have liked to have gotten together earlier but complications in the town were keeping everyone occupied.

"How was what?" Delilah questioned as she watched Derek across the yard. Scott was trying to show him how to use a lacrosse stick much to the amusement of Stiles and Issac.

Melissa smacked her arm. "Your trip away! You were gone for so long that I thought you and Derek eloped."

"We were gone for a week!" Delilah justified. 

"Yes, but when you did get back, you took off again."

"Sorry, we've been a bit busy-"

Melissa laughed and rolled her eyes with a suggestive smirk. "Of course you are."

Delilah slapped her arm lightly and giggled, "stop you! We actually were."

"I'm just saying," Melissa said as she took a sip from the cool drink in her hand and tipped down her sunglasses. "If I had tall, dark and handsome walking around, I would be busy as well."

Melissa settled back into her chair. "Can you at least give me some details? I'm dying of boredom."

"A lady never kisses and tells,"Delilah smirked.

"Well, the lady has hickey on her neck."

Delilah stiffened as she tried in vain to feel what Melissa was talking about along her skin. "Derek Hale, if you left anything on my neck you will be sleeping alone until the start of fall," Delilah hissed under her breath.

Derek missed Scott's throw as he listened to Delilah. He didn't want to sleep alone in the slightest and quickly looked over to see what she was talking about. He would never leave a mark on her, not even during the full moon.

"I'm kidding," Melissa soothed her. Turning to Derek who looked distressed, she repeated herself a bit louder, "I'm kidding!"

Derek visibly sighed in relief.

"Geeze, can he really hear us from here?"

Delilah  nodded, "oh yes, their ears are very sensitive. Did you read that in "lycanthropy for beginners"?  Even though the loft is concerte, Derek still had a special insulation added to keep out any noise."

Melissa hummed, "do you think Scott would like something like that?" She was now watching her son face off against the alpha with the ball in his net.

"You know, probably not. I bet he likes hearing you in the house. That way he knows you're safe. But he can ask him and if he likes the idea we can have it done for you."

"What about Derek? Doesn't he want to know where you are when you are home."

Delilah laughed, "Honestly Melissa, Derek and I are barely out of the others sight. We actually had it installed for Issac. We found out with his therapist he can be sensitive to sound, so we wanted a space for him that would be calming. Besides, I found out Derek can hear my heart from at least a mile away, no matter if we are in the loft or not." Delilah placed the sunscreen down on the ground beside her. "He's going to go crazy once I go back to work."

A low growl sounded across the yard as Delilah watched Derek's face twitch with annoyance.

"I'm still so jealous you got the whole summer off. If I knew that would be a perk as the school nurse, I would have taken the position like that." She snapped her fingers in front of her face.

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