no restraint.

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"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I need a change of scenery."

"But the couch?"

"It's closer to everyone."

Derek growled as he thought of the teenagers still in his living room.

"Don't be a sourwolf," Delilah joked as she playfully splashed water at him.

Knowing he was not going to win against her, Derek helped Delilah from the bath. She was having trouble walking long distances at the moment as her body was still recovering  and Derek had devoted all of his time to staying by her side.

"I'll be happy when I regain my strength back so I run circles around you."

"I'm sure," Derek replied as he covered her in a large fluffy towel.

"Oh don't scowl too much. I know you're relishing in me sticking to you like glue."

Derek smiled. As horrible as everything was, he liked having her attached to his hip.

Letting her walk slowly to the bedroom he helped pull items from the closet to ensure she was warmly dressed.

"Can you grab my fuzzy socks from the drawer? Oh, and your green sweater from the closet."

"The green one again, hey?" He chuckled.

"You wore it yesterday so it smells like you," she mumbled with a slight blush.

Derek watched as the redness spread across her face and almost considered keeping her upstairs again. She was healing and if he had to give her all of the clothes off his back, he would glad spend the rest of the week naked. It wasn't like he hadn't done that before with her.

Pulling the sweater over her head, Delilah fluffed out her hair from the collar. She stood shakily from the bed and Derek offered her his arm.

"Do you want to try the stairs?" He asked as they slowly made it to the door.

"Yes please. There is no time like the present."

Derek stuck to her side as Delilah clutched the railing and walked down the steps. She could hear an ongoing conversation in the living room.

"There has to be a reason!"

"Well it attacked Danny as well, and I don't think he would hurt a fly."

As she listened her socked foot caught on the edge of the stairs and she fell forward. Derek prepared exactly for this situation caught her easily in his arms and carried her down the the last few remaining steps.

Delilah laughed as she lightly smacked his chest. Derek put an extra swing in his arms as they rounded the corner and watched as Delilah's hair spun wildly around her head. It was good to hear her laugh.

It was the only sound in the room.

Delilah looked up from Derek's chest and took in the 3 werewolves and 1 human scattered across the living room furniture.

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise," she said with a full smile.

"H-hi Delilah. H-how are you feeling?" Erica asked as she watched Derek's hands tightened on her body. There was a serious expression across his face as he confronted the betas. 

"I'm good but tired. Really, really tired."

"You died." Stiles stated flabbergasted. "You were literally bleeding out on Scott's lawn. How is," Stiles gestured to Delilah bundled up form in Derek's sweater, "this still a thing?"

"You're asking the million dollar question right now," she answered as Derek ignored Stiles and instead cleared a spot for her to rest on the couch. Erica immediately moved to sit on the arm of Boyd's chair

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