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The hospital was slow tonight as it seemed everyone in Beacon Hills was at the local high school lacrosse game. She hoped Melissa was having a good time and Scott was playing hard. Melissa had explained that Scott's asthma had really hindered him in previous years so to find out he was first line was a bit of a happy shock. 

Delilah knew Melissa was proud of her son for finally reaching his goal and mentally prepared herself to cover for Melissa whenever Scott had the chance to play another game.

Fixing her long ponytail behind the nurse's station she waited for anyone who might need her. If Jennifer wasn't working, she would have spent her spare time visiting with Peter but she was out of luck as Jennifer was currently doing her rounds.

Delilah found it soothing to sit next to the silent man. It filled her with a calm that she hoped he felt as well, and it didn't hurt that his nephew might possibly pop in at anytime. 

Before becoming too lost in though, the access door next to the station suddenly opened and the man that Delilah recognized as the medical examiner stepped out. Looking over, he made eye contact to Delilah who was the only nurse currently available. Lifting his heavy files onto the desk he signalled for her to come over.

"Can you make a phone call for me?" He asked as he flipped through a folder and read something over. She nodded and waited for him to continue.

"I need you to call the police station. I've examined the other half of the body found in the woods and I have determined the killer to be animal, not human. I understand they made an arrest earlier today and they should start the paperwork for the release."

Delilah nodded again and picked up the phone to call Tara. "Hey, it's Delilah. The medical examiner just concluded Jane Doe was killed by animals."

Tara sighed, "I figured, they found wolf hairs on the other half of the body and it only makes sense that it would apply to this half as well. I'll get Hale out of here shortly."

"Hale?" Delilah gulped.

"Yeah, Derek Hale. He was brought in as a person of interest as they found the second half of the body buried next to his house. I think Stiles called it into the Sherif? I mean it is all pretty sad really since we just got a positive ID for the body and it's his sister, Laura."

Delilah had a sharp intake of breath and couldn't hear the last bit of what Tara was saying as the hospital phone slipped out of her hand and landed on the desk.


When Delilah got home after her shift she was still in a state of shock. Derek was in jail and while released, she couldn't help think that he may have been on the other side of the wall in the holding station while she was dropping off her muffins. 

What if he had heard her giggling while gossiping with Tara? The thought of it hurt her heart and her checks burned with embarrassment. 

Exhausted and not wanting to dwell on the situation any longer, she crawled into her bed and clutched her pillow hoping to get her emotions under control. They seemed to be running wild. She was never normally an emotional person but the idea of Derek being in destress weighed heavily on her.

 She was never normally an emotional person but the idea of Derek being in destress weighed heavily on her

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