here i come.

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Derek loved the chase, almost as much as he loved Delilah.

He kept his pace slower than normal as he watched her move between the trees. They were both tired like Deaton had said they would be but despite that, Derek was watching Delilah moved with a grace he did not know she possessed. Maybe it was the moonlight playing tricks on his eyes.

Delilah giggled as she slipped in and out of her hiding spots.

"Where, oh where could my little flower be?" Derek sang as his claws clicked against the bark of a tree as he leisurely walked past.

"She couldn't possibly be far..." He continued as he watched her move again with careful eyes.

Delilah laughed and the sound echoed through the branches like the soft chiming of bells.

Derek smiled with his canines on full display. Delilah was slowly leading them back towards the house.

He took a step forward to follow her when a rustling on the opposite side of Delilah's hiding spot caught his attention. Derek turned to investigate. He didn't like the idea of anyone trying to sneak up on them, especially not while they were in the middle of a game.

The movement stopped and Derek turned his attention back to Delilah.

She was gone.

Derek snarled with Delilah no longer in his sight. He didn't like this. Not at all.

Calming his nerves he inhaled deeply. The woods filled his nose with a dampness only achieved before an intense thunder storm. They were his favourite, as the smell helped clear out the area of any other living being that might of passed through. 

The small clearing he currently stood in was now filled with Delilah's sweet violet floral scent. And judging by its intensity, she couldn't be far.

He listened intently and caught the excited pitter patter of her heart. She was behind him.

He turned but the sound faded away as if it moved the movement he had located her.

"Little flower," he growled.

Laughter sounded to his left, then his right. Derek spun in a circle.

There was no Delilah in sight.

Her violet smell permeated the air, intoxicating him.

"Tell me what happens in the woods, Mr. Wolf." She whispered into his ear.

Derek whipped around and smiled as he reached to caught her around the waist.

She delicately stepped out of his hold and leaned against a near by tree.

"Wouldn't you like to know little flower?" He asked as he slowly stalked forward and braced both forearms against the trunk, on either side of her head.

"Tell me Mr. Wolf." She asked again. She tucked her hands behind her back as she looked up into Derek's red eyes.

Heat was radiating off his body and warming Delilah against the forest chill. Her bare legs were covered with goose bumps as he moved slightly forward to pin her into place.

Derek's chest rumbled as he held her close.

"What's my prize?"

"You're prize?" Delilah asked looking into his eyes with a dazed expression.

"I've caught you."

"So you have."

"I think I should be rewarded. For my efforts."

"Efforts, Mr. Wolf? I walked right into your arms."

Delilah leaned into Derek's bear chest as she ran her nose over his collar bone.

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