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"Last time I checked, you didn't wear glasses," Cora criticized as she sat across from Derek in the library.

Derek scowled at her over the book he was casual reading in his hand. "I didn't think I remember you being this annoying."

Delilah leaned against the small coffee bar near the windows Peter had set up after one of his late nights prowling through the shelves. He complained going upstairs in the middle of the night to pillage the kitchen only resulted in Derek growls drifting down the stairs. Delilah was completely oblivious to the situation and told him to go nuts on putting something together as long as it kept the peace. She swirled her spoon in the delicate espresso cup as she listened to the siblings bicker again. She would have thought the banter concerning if she hadn't of witnessed what she had that morning. 

Much to her annoyance, Delilah had awoken alone for the second time that morning and to say she was not pleased was an understatement. She was cold and her body ached. Rubbing her eyes, she rolled over on the bed and picked up a shirt thrown over the edge.  Realizing it was the one she cut off Derek last night, she threw to the side and instead slipped off the bed to pad over to the closet. 

Dressing in a pair of soft leggings and thick socks, she grabbed another one of Derek's sweaters and slipped it on. She checked the pockets to ensure he wasn't on the off chance hiding anything in them. She pouted slightly when she found nothing, even though she knew he only tended to stash things in her things. 

Making her way to the top of the stairs, she froze when she heard Derek's laughter cut through the quiet morning. As annoyed as she felt, she couldn't help but notice the smile creep across her face.  

Derek and Cora were wrapped up in a conversation at the kitchen counter that was so intense, Derek didn't even break away when he saw Delilah sit on the bottom step of the stairs and rub at her eyes. He was pretty sure that Cora would have kept talking to him if she didn't hear the stutter in his heart when Delilah let out the smallest of yawns.

Cora turned to look over her shoulder and saw Delilah leaning against the railing watching them.

Derek placed his coffee mug down onto the counter and scooted his chair back to stand. Delilah yawned again and watched as he came closer. He picked up one of the blankets off the back of the couch and wrapped it around her shoulders before gathering her in his arms and rocking her slowly back and forth.

"Good morning, love," he mumbled into her hair.

Delilah relished in the warmth but pulled back slightly to look at him and place a kiss on his lips. "Good morning. I see you too are getting along? Should I go back upstairs?"

"Only if you want to sleep more."

"I don't, too cold with out you," she grumbled.

Cora snorted into her coffee before standing.

"Well, I'm going to leave you to your little love fest before I throw up in my mouth."

Much to Cora's amusement and disappointment, the love fest followed her downstairs to the library where Delilah began showing her their inventory for supernatural research. Perhaps they could start answering some of their questions about Delilah here. 

"Personally, Cora," Delilah said as she looked at Derek over the brim of her full cup. She studied his face as he looked down at his book again. She smiled when she saw it was an old flora lexicon and judging by the small pieces of paper sticking out of it, he had flagged areas of interest. "I think he looks very handsome and he only wears them when he's had little sleep."

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Cora asked. "You should have been resting after your injury. At least thats what you keep nagging me about."

A blush crept up Derek's neck as he avoided eye contact with his sister and kept his focus on his book. Delilah could see he definitely wasn't 

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