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Things had changed since Derek had stayed that first night at Delilah's. It wasn't a bad change but Delilah was more understanding of what was happening in Beacon Hills after Derek's confession. Having all of her suspicions confirmed meant that she could now be part of the solution.

Derek spent more time at the Willow residence as he worked through his theories with her. He had this constant obsession to make sure she was safe, especially from the still loose alpha. And on some days acted like some one was going to take her away from him at any minute. It was a possessiveness Delilah reveled in.

 Delilah didn't mind Derek's constant presence. She actually preferred it as waking up snuggled into the man's side was much better than awaking up alone. Granted, Delilah did not realize that Derek Hale would be a clinger in his sleep. No matter how they fall asleep in the bed, Delilah would always wake up with Derek's arms securely around her. 

It was all good and well until she made a move to leave the bed, with the intent on getting ready for work at the hospital. his arms only tightened around her middle and his blunt teeth found find the curve of her neck, asking her to submit to him. Delilah would always giggle as she left the light bite to her skin and Derek would immediately transition to kissing as much of her skin as he could reach.  

Today was Delilah's off day and she had no intent on leaving the cocoon they had built together. Derek had a naturally high body heat that Delilah took full advantage of as she laid entirely on Derek's front. Her hair spilt around his head and in one hand he played with a curl that he would occasionally bring to his nose. 

Derek knew that they would need to get moving soon. With the Jane Doe case now coming to a close and Derek no longer being considered a suspect in her death, it was time to put Laura to rest. 

By the time both had readied themselves and driven to the local cemetery, Lahey's had finished digging the deep grave in the area that held the rest of his family. Derek hadn't been to the site in a while and he felt horrible for not paying his respects like his should have. Its not like he didn't want to, the guilt was just overwhelming.

Derek felt Delilah's hand slip into his own as they made their way over to the private site. The Hale family were very important to Beacon Hills as they them selves helped found the small town. This resulted in a section of the cemetery to be gifted the family, separate from the rest of the graves.

As they past a small white fence that acted as divider,  Derek's eyes prickled at the thought of having to lay Laura to rest again. He hoped this time it would be final.

Delilah broke away from Derek momentarily and spoke to the man and son who had just lowered the simple coffin to the site. they exchanged a few words and Derek watched as they made their way out of the site. 

Derek was in a daze as Delilah gently grasped his hand again and lead him over to the open grave. She remained quiet as she waited for Derek's direction.

He didn't know what to do. His sister was dead, his family was dead and he was all that there was left. Delilah could see the tears gathering in Derek's eyes and gently squeezed his hand. He looked down at her and noticed she was carrying a basket with white flowers poking out of the top. How did he not notice this before?

"Sent them away, so you could bury her in peace." She said as she placed the basket on the ground. "I know how important it is for you."

Opening the basket and removing dozens of white flowers, she retrieved the rope that had been used originally to bury Laura. "I was able to convince the Sheriff to return this to me once the case was closed. I'm not sure if you can touch it with the wolfsbane embedded in it, but I figured it would be important. And I asked the Lahey's to leave the shovel so you could finish yourself."

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