stab wound.

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Kissing Delilah softly on the lips, Derek said goodbye as she headed to the hospital for her first shift since Derek's attack. Tonight, was a full moon and he was on edge as he watched her pull away from the house. 

In all honesty he never liked parting from Delilah and would prefer if she remained with him at all times. Knowing she would never allow this to happen, Derek settled for knowing where she was and promised to stop stocking the hospital hallways, unless he was actually there to visit Peter.

It wasn't like he could hang around her in public anyway as he was still listed as a wanted fugitive in the state and his photo was up on every street corner. Clenching his fist at his side he reigned in his anger. Like Delilah had said earlier, Scot and Stiles were children with the worst sets of imaginations for dealing with this situation. It wasn't their fault that the alpha had dragged them into this world but it could be his job to ensure they survived it.

Walking into the woods behind the house, he knew he would be spending this full moon tracking down Scott and ensuring he kept him from harming any innocent life.

Delilah had made him promise that Scott would be kept away from such darkness and Derek being wrapped around her little finger, couldn't deny her anything. 

- - - - -

Even though Delilah had only been gone from the hospital for over a week, it felt strange to be back in the building. Her coworkers, while not fully aware of her relationship with Derek, looked at her with pity and sad expressions. She wasn't sure what Melissa had fully told them when she was off for the week and she hoped the gossip wasn't too scandalous. 

Delilah found the whole situation to be pretty annoying  and was determined to track down Melissa as soon as possible to get her answers.

Making her way to the nursing station she was stopped by one of her male colleagues Adam. Adam was a decent looking man with pushed back blonde hair and steely grey eyes. He was nice enough to work with but Delilah soon found that she did not like being alone with him, ever. Adam was a bit over baring and a little to forward for Delilah's tastes. He constantly made excuses to touch her with the guise of borrowing a pen or reaching around her for a patient file. Perhaps in another life she would have been flattered to receive his attention, but not in this one. 

Her skin crawled as he brushed her arm in the hallway.

"Delilah," He said with a smile. 'I heard what happened and I am so sorry for your break up. It must have been a shock that Derek is being sought out for murder, again."

He smirked at his last statement, as if punctuating Derek was a low life in the first place.

Delilah's eye twitched as she heard someone speaking about her Derek with such distain. Biting the inside of her cheek, she tightly smiled at Adam. "Thank you for your concern."

She went to move away from him and continue on her journey to the nursing station where she could see Melissa emerging from the back file room. Wanting to get to her friend and understand what had happened since she was gone, she was stopped by hand tightly grasping her wrist.

"Perhaps we should get to know each other better over a couple of drinks?" Adam pulled Delilah flush against him and she was completely taken back by his forward actions.

"I don't think so," she replied lowly, pulling at her wrist trapped in his hand.

His nostrils flared at her rejection, "and why not?"

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