thunder and lightning.

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"The Argents are killing omegas."

Derek had returned later than she expected after dropping Issac off at home. When he entered the kitchen, he had a distraught look on his face.

"What?" She asked, completely thrown off from his statement.

"He must have been coming into town looking for an Alpha. Issac mentioned a liver going missing from one of the newly dug graves in the cemetery and tonight there was an ambulance found with the patient torn up inside. I'm guessing they must have assumed it was him."

"Derek slow down. I'm not following." 

Derek sighed as he ran his hands through his short hair.

"They cut him in half in the woods and Scott saw it all happen."

"Why the hell is Scott in the woods?" Delilah was more concerned for Scott than the now deceased omega.

"They're still looking for Lydia Martin. He thought he could sniff her out but his tracking skills have not fully developed yet."

"So you're telling me those psychotic hunters are setting traps in the woods while the rest of the town is out in them, looking for a missing girl? What is wrong with them? It's like they're so stupid and blinded by their own hate that they can't open their fucking eyes to see there is a whole world going on around them."

Derek pulled his ranting girl into his chest and breathed in her violet sent to calm his racing nerves.

"I mean what if Noah or Tara got stuck in one of their stupid traps. How would they explain that to the courts. Oh sorry we were just hoping to catch a werewolf, don't mind us? I wish they would just leave this town and let us live our lives in peace."

"I know." He murmured into her hair, secretly happy that Delilah wholeheartedly included herself with Derek with out a second thought.

"From what I understand 'Gerard,' who was Kate's father is in town for revenge against Peter for killing her. He arrived under the guise of attending her funeral. I know I already said we would have to lay low but I really mean it this time."

Delilah nodded, knowing Derek was only wanting to ensure their safety.

"Tomorrow, I go into the hospital for a check in for my shoulder and a short neurological exam. If I'm cleared I think we should start on that self defence training sooner rather than later."

Derek nodded as he thought through his plans.

"We can clear out  a portion of the yard..."

"Actually, I've been scouting areas that will keep everything more under wrap. I don't want to draw the hunter's back to the house, in case they try something like Kate did."

Derek heard Delilah's heart pick up as she remembered pulling the door open to reveal Kate's sinister grin. She might have survived the physical attack but the mental scars Kate left her, were in a way much worse.

"Let's finish here and head outside." He suggested as he nodded to where Delilah was currently updating her book catalogue at the kitchen table. "It's suppose to be a clear night and I bet we could do a little a little star gazing."

"Derek Hale, forever a romantic."

Derek rolled his eyes before lifting her chin to place a chaste kiss on her lips.

"Only for you."

"Better be. If I find out you've got multiple houses with multiple injured nurses, I will begin putting wolfsbane in your food." She mumbled under her breath as Derek made his way out the back door and into the cool night. A light trail of laughter following him.

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