the universe needs balance.

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Jackson stood vacantly in the doorway of the small office. His eyes reptilian eyes followed the retreating form of his master down the station hallway. He was to remain on guard and instructed to ensure nobody entered or left the room unless they had Matt's expressed permission.

This left Delilah laying face down in the middle of the floor with Stiles and Derek's feet in her face. From what Delilah could see, Derek looked furious. She couldn't tell if it was because she was in the room with them and on the floor or the fact Stiles was draped haphazardly across his torso.

"Well don't you two look cozy." She tired not laughed as she caught Derek's eye. Delilah knew it was an inappropriate response, considering Scott had been shoot, Noah and Melissa were held captive, anyone else in the building was probably dead and they were immobilized on the floor. Delilah was already so tired from all of the nights events, laughing was all she could think of doing. 

She snorted as she observed Stiles head tucked next to Derek's neck. Anyone else coming across them would think they were witnessing two lovers embrace. It was almost too much to handle. 

"Matt, is a little bitch," Stiles mumbled into Derek who responded with a growl. His breath was fanning across his skin and even both remained frozen she could see his want to throw the boy across the room.

"Stiles, your feet do not smell good at all." Delilah mumbled as her nose itched from her proximity to the teenagers shoes. She knew the smell wasn't coming from Derek and she shuffled backwards so she could kneel on the ground, away from the stench. 

Her neck stung slightly from her moved. She reached up to check the wound delivered to her by the kanima and sighed in relief when only a bit of dried blood wiped away onto her hand.

Stiles tried to look at Delilah with his limited vision as he heard her move. The sound of skin rubbing against a jean clad thigh filled his ears. 

"What the fuck?" Stiles said as his eyes twitched. There was no way Delilah was unaffected by the paralytic venom.

"Geez, this won't come off my name." Her voice came closer to him as the sound of rustling fabric continued,  "I know buddy, your dad was going to talk to you about-"

"No, not that," he whisper yelled with a mix of irritation and fascination. "How can you move?"

Delilah shrugged her shoulders as she crawled over to Derek who looked less than pleased she was in the room with them but grateful she might be able to roll Stiles off him.

"You okay?" She asked as she moved Stiles to his back and set a rolled up jacket from the back of the room' s office chair under his head. Before he could answer, Derek cut in.  

"Why are you here?" Derek growled at her. His eyes were burning with concern that betrayed his angry tone. "I told you to stay in the car until I came and got you."

Delilah flicked Derek on the nose. "Don't growl at me or I'll put Stiles back where I found him."

"Stiles would like to stay where he is," Stiles piped up, only slightly worried Delilah was serious. He didn't think Derek made the best pillow but that might have been because he was muttering death threats continuously. 

Delilah moved to position Derek's head on her lap. He huffed with annoyance at her response but stopped as her hands settled across his chest and she placed a kiss on his forehead. Having her close instantly calmed him.

"I don't think we have a lot of time." Delilah whispered to the two with her face still close to Derek's. "Matt shot Scott in front of Melissa-"

"Is he okay? And my dad, where is he?" Stiles asked as he stared up at the ceiling. Delilah could see his left eye was twitching from stress.

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