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WARNING: Contains sexual content.

When Derek awoke, he was panicked to say the least. The last thing he remembered was the piercing pain from the Alpha's claws as they embedded themselves into his back. But now, he was warm and surrounded by his beloved scent of violets. 

He inhaled and let out a pained groan. His lungs were struggling to take in his breath of air. Turning his head slowly, he saw his girl resting on the side of the bed. Her reading chair was pulled up flush to the edge of the mattress and her small body was folded into it. Her head was positioned on top of her folded arms, as close as possible to Derek's pillow.  

Delilah's hair spilled around her like a chaotic halo. Derek found one of his clawed hands was wrapped securely around a strand of her long hair, ensuring she stayed close. Even in his weakest state he hated to be apart from her. Lifting his hand gently he brought the curl closer to his nose.

His chest ached but he could feel his body healing its self. 

As Derek moved Delilah shot up from her chair, her hands immediately connecting with his face. Her fingers stroked his cheek softly and he nuzzled into her palm. Looking at her face he noticed the tear marks and dark circles under her eyes.

"Hey, baby," he sighed hoarsely as his hand moved from her hair, careful to ensure the claw didn't nick her skin. 

At the sound of his voice, a fresh wave of tears spilled from her eyes. "Oh, don't cry, sweetheart. I'm right here."

"You've been here for 3 days," Delilah sobbed as she looked into his face. "You – you kept spitting up blood and you won't let me take you to the hospital. Your blood was black. I thought you were going to die."

Derek pulled at Delilah gently with the intent to bring her closer to himself on the bed. Using the little strength he guided her to rest her head in the crock of his neck. "I'm so sorry. I promise I won't do it again."

Delilah knew he couldn't promise this but was satisfied that he was at least alive for now. Her tears ran into the soft skin of his shoulder and they laid together as they relished in each other's presence. 

Wiping her tears away, she kissed the side of his neck but stopped as she felt Derek begin to worm his way underneath her shirt to graze the side of her breast. Sitting up suddenly and away from his warmth, she slapped his hands away, although gently. 

"Oh hell no. If you think you're going to get fresh with me after the last few days I've had, you've got to be kidding."

Delilah had been informed that Scott and Stiles had pinned the attack at the high school on Derek and he was once again a wanted fugitive. Delilah was not pleased in the slightest and had spent the last few days either ensuring Derek remained hidden or tending to his wounds. The easiest task was stashing his Camaro under a sheet in her unused garage and the most annoying being the 10 mile walk to the school to collect her own car to avoid suspicion. 

By far, the hardest task was sitting beside Derek has his chest rose slightly and shuddered as blood dribbled from his mouth.

Melissa, had ensured that Delilah was covered at the hospital as she dealt with the emotional ramifications of Derek's arrest. Poor Delilah, the first man to show interest in her was under suspicion of murder, again. 

Delilah hadn't shared with anybody that Derek was practically living in her house as she wanted to ensure she kept this part of her life private, for her safety. Derek had agreed when he had originally voiced his concern over the hunters who were skulking around the area. Scott and Stiles were the only ones to currently know about their relationship as they unfortunately interrupted a private moment between the two as they were in Derek's Camaro. Delilah hoped Derek had put enough fear into the two as keeping his anger in check when it came to Delilah's safety was becoming a bit of a problem.

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