get well.

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Last night there were multiple shots fired in the warehouse district just on the other side of Beacon Hills. Nobody was caught by the time the Sheriff and other deputies arrived on scene, but they were able to recover multiple bullet casings that would be logged away at the station for evidence. 

Thankfully today was Delilah's off day and she won't have to deal with any of the nights craziness, if it ended up at the hospital. 

Today, she was determined to organize more books from the hallway shelves but halfway through one stack Delilah realized that her heart wasn't in it. Instead was trying to keep herself busy or more so distracted.

Heading into her kitchen, she flipped the bread dough she had rising on her counter onto her floured table. Using a bit more force than necessary she kneaded the dough. Punching it with her fists as she pictured Derek's stupid perfect face. 

No call, not text and no run in. 

Delilah was beginning to lose hope in the whole situation and realizing that she was taking it out on her dough, she stopped. 

If he didn't want her then maybe she didn't want him.

Placing the dough in the oven to bake she headed upstairs to get ready for her day. She decided she was going to go and perhaps visit the café in town after she dropped bread off with the Sheriff and Melissa. She debated using the mailbox out front to have them pick it up from her but she needed to get out of the house.

Slipping on a light blue silk dress and a grey long-sleeved sweater she let her long curly hair dry naturally so it spun in soft ringlets to the middle of her back. Before shutting her bedroom door, she noticed the leather jacket sitting on reading chair and quickly closed the door to avoid looking at it any further. At this time, it no longer smelt like Derek and the fact that she had been clutching it in her sleep was kind of becoming pathetic and clingy. They weren't even dating; in fact, they only meet twice and he had no obligation to her.

Pushing everything to the back of her mind, Delilah skipped down her stairs and removed her bread loaves from the oven. Setting them on the counter too cool.

While she waited, she grabbed a book for the hallway shelf and began perusing it. Reading the title, she had no idea what to make of it, "The Hunter's Guide to Projecting the Whole Family." Skimming to the middle of the book she read "It is the hunter's job to protect again the monsters who terrorize the innocent in anyway possible. However, it also the hunter's job to find peace with the demons. All creatures are natural but must be kept inline and will need to be held responsible if they spill innocent blood, no matter what the situation."

"Edith you sure were an interesting woman," Delilah mumbled as she placed the book next to one that read "Lycanthropy for Beginners." Intrigued she plucked that book from the shelf and stuck it into her purse.

With the bread cooled and Delilah excited for her day out, she placed her baking into her car and left Willow Residence to deliver her treats. The Sheriff as usual was not in his office but in the middle of the desk was a thank you card for the what she had dropped off previously. Smiling she tucked the card into her purse and headed to the hospital next where Melissa was salivating for the warm loaf. Reminding her that she would have to share with Scott, Melissa gave the younger girl a small scowl before promising that she would.

Feeling accomplished enough for the day, Delilah headed out to the café she picked out earlier for her solo lunch trip. Upon arrival she found it be fairly charming with small tables outside that sat on the populated road downtown. Perfect for people watching.

Opting to sit outside, she ordered a coffee and a snack to stay before reclining in her chair. Pulling the book from her bag she turned to the first chapter, "Moon Phases" and began to read. Before she knew it she was three chapters in and her coffee was becoming cold at her table. Looking up from her book she grabbed her coffee and turned to face road. Just as she did a blue jeep pulled to the curb. 

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