milkshake breakfast.

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Issac stared at the door for what felt like hours as Scott kept a comforting hand on his shoulder.

His eyes were open but his hands were held tightly over his ears. The beta's growls didn't bother him as they fought against Derek but Delilah's screams of agony hit him deep in his core.

He whimpered and rocked on his spot as he waited for the sun to rise and for Derek to open the door. He had to open the door. Issac couldn't, not with out the keys. Scott had suggested they rummage through the office to find a spare but Issac was reluctant to move from his spot. If anything happened, good or bad, he wanted to be there for it.

Issac let out a whine and Scott's hand gripped him harder. His own heart was pounding erratically as he waited for the door to open. He felt Issac shuffle slightly under his hand as his eyes skimmed the dark sky.

Letting out a relieved breath, Scott watched as the sun was about to break over the tree line.

Issac quickly got to his feet as he backed away from the door. Someone was coming up the stairs, slowly but up all the same. Issac listened as the feet dragged across the stair steps in a deliberately slow uneven rhythm that suggested an injury. 

Scott readied himself, incase it was one of the betas still looking for a fight. They would need to take them down and keep them that way until Chris arrived. 

He kept his fists high as he heard the sound of keys jingling against metal. 

Issac sucked in a breath.

The door creaked open slightly as a bloody hand grabbed the edge to steady themselves. The skin along the knuckles was raw and turning a deep purple in colour. Flecks of blood speckled the rest.

Derek grunted as he pulled the door open the rest of the way. The effort causing him to bite at the inside of cheek from calling out in pain.

"Mom!" Issac yelled as his eyes landed on the woman in Derek's arms. Her clothes were soaked in blood and her head was lulled to the side against Derek's shoulder. Issac panicked as he feared the betas had done this to her.

"She's ok-okay." Derek groaned. His chest was still heaving as he ensured she was as close to him as possible. Scott wasn't sure if she actually was or if Derek was trying to reassure himself.

"How is she okay?! Why is she covered in blood?"

"I-I don't know." Derek stuttered. "They never touched her. I wouldn't let them. But her side opened up just like when Jackson clawed at her. She's okay now, just exhausted. It healed."

Issac looked over her face as Derek sat on the step next to the door. She leaned in slightly to his hand on her cheek and he let out a happy noise from the back of his throat.

Derek didn't loosen his hold as he looked over at Scott as Issac was now focussed on Delilah. "They're alive" he sighed and scrubbed a hand across his face. "There is a teacher down there. Help her, she kept Delilah safe."

Scott's eyes widened as he took off down the stairs.

Derek put a hand on Issac's shoulder and leaned his forehead against his. "We're here Issac."

Issac leaned into Derek and accepted the comfort he offered him. 

"I didn't know, I thought-"

Derek smirked. "I know but do you really think we'd leave you like that? No way."

Issac nodded as he pulled away from Derek, both feeling the subtle movements by Delilah in Derek's arms.

"Hey pretty girl," Derek said as Delilah opened her eyes to look at him.

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