questionable first choice.

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Delilah had to admit she didn't know Jackson well.

She had seen him at the hospital a few times during her shift and once at the Hale house when Derek used him to agitate Scott. While at school, their paths only crossed when it came to lacrosse.

He was a really great player, talented even, and when she watched him play from next to Finstock's side she could swear she actually saw joy on his face. She kind of understood why he got so upset when Scott became co-captain, this was his game. Out there on the field, that was were Jackson could be his true self.

Delilah felt slightly guilty that the pack needed to test him with the venom. She hated the feeling of being paralyzed herself. It was like some one was continuously dropping cold water down your back and it wasn't the feeling of wetness that bothered you, no, it was the tingling sensation it left behind.

Issac was still on lock down at home and Delilah refused to allow Derek on school grounds in fear he would be caught on the school's security footage, so it was up to Boyd to lay the plan into action. Boyd, after his amazing introduction to lacrosse, was offered a permanent spot on the team. Delilah encouraged him to take it and she couldn't help but smile when she looked out the kitchen window and saw Boyd and Issac tossing the ball back and forth with their nets. The sport was an opportunity to bond them and tried to encourage it any chance she got. 

Derek still thought the game was a bad idea but so far the boys had proved they could handle the adrenaline that came with the violent game. However, Delilah made them promise that if it did get out of hand, even once, they would remove themselves no matter what the stakes were.

So now, with Boyd on the team, he had the important task of ensuring the venom was placed on Jackson's locker.

Derek handed Boyd a vial of the venom before leaving the house and Delilah ensured he had on a pair of well fitting surgical gloves. Keeping everything under wraps, Delilah waited from her place in her office while Boyd laid the pack's test out for the unsuspecting boy. Thank goodness there were no cameras in the locker room or Delilah would be having a heart attack as Boyd risked getting caught at any second.

"It's done." Erica had texted Delilah as she knew she was nearby waiting for her friend to finish.

Delilah let out a long breath. If she had told herself that she would be complacent in poisoning high schoolers with a paralyzing venom from a supernatural creature while she was in med school, she would have laughed herself out of the room. Now everything seemed so normally, she wondering if there was something wrong with her.

A knock on her door sounded and she jumped from her chair, not expecting anybody to stop by. Clearing her throat she asked for who ever it was to enter.

A boy slightly shorter than Stiles and with thick light brown hair entered the room. He had a camera around his neck and looked excitedly at Delilah with bright blue eyes.

"Hi Nurse Vine!"

"Hi," she answered with a slight question to her tone. "What can I do for you today?"

"Well I'm here to take a photo of you for the yearbook, did no one tell you?"

Delilah paled slightly as today she was dressed in an old set of scrubs and her hair was still in its braids from Erica the night prior. Derek thought her messy braids were adorable when he be brought her coffee this morning and she had decided to leave them in. It wasn't often she was able to get Derek to use the word adorable in a sentence and she didn't want to pass on the chance of him possibly saying it again later in the day. 

"Oh, no they didn't."

"Well I can come back later?" He gestured back out the door.

"Oh, I would hate to take up too much of your time. I remember yearbook committee being busy when I was in school."

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