friend or foe.

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Delilah sighed with a frown as Derek set her down on the bathroom vanity and watched as he moved to fill the tub.

"I can smell the annoyance and frustrating coming off you in waves." He said as he tested the water to ensure it was not too hot. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"It was nothing really, but I see what Gerard is doing," Delilah groaned as she pulled at her hair. "He is slowly firing or replacing or - I don't know. One day teachers are there and the next, there is a hunter in their place."

Derek pulled at the bottom of Delilah's scrub top to prompt her to undress. She complied by raising her arms to allow to lift the garment above her head. Standing, she shimmied out of her bottoms. 

Derek helped her step into the tub and settle in the hot water.

Delilah let out a long exhale from her lungs as the water began to sooth her tight muscles.   

"Did they say anything to you? Or did they touch you in anyway?" He asked trying to keep his voice even. If anyone, anyone, touched her, Derek knew he would go on a rampage.

"No they actually avoided me."

"What do you mean?" The fist that he held tightly at his side slightly unclenched. 

"Well anytime I left my office or walked through the hall to help a student, they went in the opposite direction. But I know they're watching Scott and that makes me worry about Erica and Boyd. What if something were to open to them?" Her hands that had relaxed from her hair earlier were now back to tugging on its end. 

"Nothing will, I promise." Derek tried to sooth as he gently removed her hands and moved to sit next to the tub.

"What did I say about promises you can't keep?"

"I know but we will do everything to protect them and they'll do everything to protect us."

Delilah thought over Derek's words carefully. Together they were stronger as a team than they were as individuals. They'll need to ensure everyone is with one another at all times, perhaps instigate a buddy system? Delilah was sure there was a chapter on pack defence in one of the books behind Derek's desk but she couldn't at this time remember the title.

While she thought, Derek listened to the commotion going on downstairs. The front door kept opening and closing, and there was now a steady stream of chatter emitting from the kitchen.

"I can see you over thinking again," Derek said as he interrupted her thought process. Picking up a sponge set to the side of the vanity he began washing her back with with the warm water.

Delilah happily sighed as Derek started to loosen the knots that had formed through out her work week. She leaned with her arms crossed on the edge of the tub so she could face Derek while he gently stroked her skin.

He watched her closely as he thought over his next words.

"You know, if you're not happy or it is too dangerous to be at the school, you could always take a leave." Derek remembered when Melissa told him about different options Delilah might want to consider after she was shot. At the time they had no idea what her recovery would be like and she wanted to make sure Delilah knew all of her options.

"I know," She sighed. "It's just easier if I'm close to everyone at the school. I want them to feel safe while they learn and know someone is there to stand with them. With the hunters moving in and the kanima still on the loose, I feel like it's more important to keep everyone in sight."

Derek nodded. "I get it and I love how you put the pack first but remember you're important to. In fact, if you quit your job tomorrow I can safely say that you will be well taken care of, I'll make sure of it."

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