round two delay.

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"Delilah said he reacted." Derek read from his phone to Issac.

"So that means the kanima is Lydia?"

Derek nodded has he continued to text with Delilah. "If we are following the venom theory then it's obvious."

"And if we are not?"

"Then it's back to square one."

"When will she be home?" Issac half wanted to grab the phone from Derek so he could talk to Delilah himself.


"When's soon?"

"It's when she's home." Derek answered having no idea when she would walk through the door. She was still waiting with Jackson for his paralysis to wear off. In his opinion, she was being far too nice to the brat but he wasn't about to tell her that.

Issac watched as Derek continued to text.

"What's she saying now?" He asked.

"Stuff that doesn't concern you."

"But it might."

"I can assure you it does not." Derek grumbled. Issac grew suspicious as he watched a smile tug at the corner of his alpha's lips.

Issac huffed and threw himself onto the couch and sat with his arms crossed like a stewing child.

His ears perked up as a a noise caught his attention. A car was coming down the drive way and Issac quickly turned to face the window, hoping it was Delilah. Derek looked up suspiciously from his phone as he was still texting her which meant she couldn't have been the one driving.

"You've got to be kidding me" He sighed with annoyance as he recognized the car.

A blue jeep pulled around the curve and stopped in front of the garage. The two werewolves watched as Scott quickly jumped out and rush to the door.

"Derek!" Scott yelled as he pounded on the wood. "Derek!"

Derek slid his phone into his back pocket and opened the door. Scott fell forward, not anticipating the man's which response. "Serves you right for being so dam loud." He grumbled.

"What did you do to Jackson?" Scott asked as he dusted himself off.

"I didn't do anything to Jackson, but he was tested with kanima venom."


"He was suspected to be the kanima, but he reacted so chances are slim to none."

"You can't just go around and paralyze people!" Scott yelled. His voice was filling the small house and Derek did not appreciate his hostile attitude.

"Will you calm down?" Derek roared. "That's why Delilah is still with Jackson. She wants to make sure he is okay."

Issac shrunk back at his increased volume.

"She is still with him now." He added softer than before.

Scott huffed and Stiles who was still in the jeep, came through the open door with one of the Argent Bestiaries in his hand.

"We found someone who could translate the text." Stiles excitedly exclaimed to no one in particular.

Derek began to pinch the bridge of his nose. It was so quiet a few minutes again and he would at this point give his left leg to go back to Isaac's whining for Delilah.

"Please come home soon," he texted her.

Isaac looked at Stiles who made himself comfortable on the couch.

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