Thirty eight : 38

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Jungkook's head was still buried on the other's hand. His sobbing just lessened a bit but the sniffing sound was quiet loud. The atmosphere looks sad too. Deep black clouds gathered together covering the whole bluish sky. It was just the moment before rain starts.

Jungkook raised his head from the other's hand but the hold on the hand of his dead husband didn't lose a bit too.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung's face. It was blank. He noticed the beautiful mole under his nose which he used to admire the most. He booped the other's nose softly. He remembered how Taehyung used to giggle out loudly when he used to do this. But now only the silent deepened. The lifeless body of his husband was just laying on the bed and he couldn't do anything. He was helpless...

Jungkook's tears dried eventually. He didn't feel like there is more tear to shed. But he just wanted to cry out loud, scream and beg to God to return back his husband to him. Tell God how much he loves his husband, how much he want the other to stay with him. If God won't agree then he would beg God to kill him too so that atleast they could live together in heaven peacefully.

Jungkook held back his sobs and started talking with the lifeless body of his husband as if the other can still hear him.

"You know Taehyung, I don't know what to do now. I--I don't even think I can live in this Earth anymore. God is so cruel--l so..o cruel. I just got you-u. I just fell for you hard-d and God decided to take you-u from me." Jungkook wiped his falling tears a little harshly as he forced a smile on his face.

I can't even blame God.... How can I? When I think of our past then I don't find-d anything to blame God-d. It feels like he did it right. I don't deserve your love-e. But---- but atleast he could have let you live your life peacefully right-t? Maybe-- maybe not with me-e but with someone else..e who could make you happy-y. Not hurt-t yo..u like i did-d, would love-e you more than his life-e. He could have-e taken me instead of yo-ahh. It feels... Feels like he-e snatched my own life-ee." Jungkook didn't know what he was saying. His brain wasn't working anymore. He felt loss somewhere. He couldn't even feel his heart anymore.


Meanwhile Hoseok ran from the hospital. Far away. The pain was unbearable. The person who was his other half just left him. His baby brother. He just couldn't..

But Hoseok's phone ran twice. He was not in the mood to talk with anyone so he cut the call, gritting his teeth. He wanted some time alone. But the phone didn't stop ringing and atleast he decided to take the call.


Before Hoseok would say something he heard the other's panicking voice. It was Yoongi's.

Yoongi : Where is my brother?

Hoseok couldn't reply anything. His mouth was only leaving painful sobs. Unknowingly his heart was hurting too much. He put his hand on his mouth to stop the sobbing sound.

Yoongi : I asked you something Hoseok. Where is my brother? WHERE IS TAE?

Hoseok knew that he couldn't hide anything anymore. Yoongi would eventually know everything.

Hoseok : Please come to-o my hospital hyung-g. He's there.

Before Hoseok would say something further a beep sound was heart indicating the call ended from the other side.


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Make it right // Vkook | Completed |Where stories live. Discover now