Twenty : 20

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Another new morning for the cuddling couples. Unknowingly or knowingly both are cuddling with each other.

Jungkook's one hand was wrapped around the younger's small and thin waist while the younger's one leg was on Jungkook's tummy. The position they were in were so comfortable.

Jungkook's eyes shut open when his alarm rang. The other was just sleeping peacefully on Jungkook's arms. Jungkook didn't want to break Taehyung's sleep. Jungkook was trying to let go of Taehyung's tight hold but then something caught his eyes.

Taehyung wasn't wearing this dress while he was sleeping with him last night. Jungkook looked out to see that the sky was very much cloudy today. He thought to ask about it after the younger wake up from his sleep.


"Tae." Taehyung hummed with his soft voice. He was tightly holding the table cloth, trying hard to control his throbbing chest pain. Yes from last night Taehyung was having chest pain. He was feeling dizzy all the time.

The younger has asthma which was making it more worse. Taehyung couldn't sleep last night properly. When he saw his husband felt asleep he went outside. He breathing issue increased too much and also maybe because he stoped taking his medicine.

"You went somewhere last night when I fell asleep?" Taehyung's eyes widened a little. He have to give an excuse to Jungkook. He couldn't say that he was having breathing problem so he went outside and came back all wet because it was raining. He forgot to take his umbrella with him.

"No-o why?"

"Are you sure you were wearing the same dress you were wearing last night, when you woke up?" Taehyung understood immediately. But somewhere he felt hurt. Did his husband just notice about him? It was so new to him. The one who didn't care about whether his husband is at home or not is today asking him about his dress? Is everything alright?

"Oh-h i accidentally spilled water on my shirt while drinking." Jungkook nodded his head and started eating again. Taehyung sighed internally. He was almost caught.


It was already 9 in the morning and Jungkook was again ready to go for his office. But he was a little disturbed about the earlier inside during their breakfast. Somewhere he thinks Taehyung was hiding something from him.

It started raining hard today. Like a storm in Seoul. Taehyung didn't want the other to go to office today but he couldn't collect his courage to stop his husband from going. He thinks he lost his right of interfering in his husband's matter when the other already told him not to.

But still he saw a little change in his husband's behaviour which was a small hope for him that his husband might listen to him and stay in the house today.

Taehyung took a deep breath before standing in front of Jungkook who looked at the other which a questioning face.

"You want something tae?" Taehyung nodded and looked down biting his lips.

"Tell me what is it?"

"It's raining-g outside-e" Taehyung couldn't help from shuttering.

"Yeah i Know that. So what?" 


"What? I couldn't understand tae."  Taehyung took a deep breath and said it again.

"Can't you just not go to office today-y, kookie?" Jungkook stared blankly at the younger hearing that. He didn't speak anything which made the younger regret instantly. Did he just ruin their happy moments again?

"Am-m so sorry kookie. I-i didn't want to interfere in you-"

"Fine." Taehyung stood there with a open mouth hearing that. Did his husband just listen to his request?

Taehyung saw Jungkook opening his tie and his blazer. Everything shocking is happening to him recently. He just couldn't help other than thinking it was just his dreams, his imagination.


Hey I got so many things to add to this stories. Just hope that your author don't forget it!!!

I swear whatever got in my mind if i can write it without missing any part then you people gonna love this story <3

I want to update more but-t you all are bad. So so bad! Humpp!!!  I told you to comment but you all never listen except few.. *pouts*

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