25. Practice Exams 📝

Start from the beginning

"What's the matter? Do you need me to help you study?" She asked.
"No. I didn't do as good as you, but I did good."
I said.

"Well, let me know if you need me." She said.

"Where's Granger?" I asked.
"She's sulking that Draco got higher then her on our DADA test." She said.

I walked in and saw Hermione on her bed with a bunch of DADA notes surrounding her.

"Heard Draco beat you." I said.
"He got a 99%!"

I thought my 89% was good.

"You have time to study, you'll beat him." I said.
She groaned, and flopped back.

"I need to talk to you." I whispered.
"About what?" She said.
"Can you come to my dorm for a minute?"
She nodded.

"We'll be right back." She said.
I brought her to my dorm, and shut the door.

"What's going on?" She asked.
"I fucked two of my exams." I said.

"What did you get?" She asked.
"Doesn't matter. I need help in Potions and COMC."

"Can I see your exams so I know where to help you?"
"No." I said.
"How am I supposed to help you then?"
"Find a way." I said.

"I don't know what you got wrong, so I don't know what you need to work on." She said.

I didn't say anything.
"Mattheo you don't have to feel embarrassed."

How could I not be?
She's the smartest person in our year.

"Show me your tests." She said.
I shook my head.
"Come on." She said.
"Stop asking." I said.
"Well then I can't help you." She said standing up.

"Just wait." I yelled yanking her arm.
She stumbled back, and gasped.

She freed her arm and I watched as the blood drained from her face.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that I'm just stressed."
She nodded, and sat next to me.
"Ok here. The first ones from COMC, it's a 56%."

I handed her the test, and watched as her hand shook as she flipped through the it.

Now I feel bad.

"Granger I'm sorry."
She stayed silent.
"Granger." I said.

She kept on flipping through the test.
"Hermione." I said tilting her chin towards me.

"Yeah?" She said.
"I didn't mean to yank you like that." I said.
"It's okay, I just had PTSD." She said.

"From who?" I said.
"Doesn't matter. So I've noticed a pattern in your answers-"

I grabbed the test, and put it down.
"Hermione, from who?" I asked sternly.

Now I'm pissed.
What the fuck happened to her, and who did it?

"Ron?" I asked.
"God no." She said.
"Not him either."

"Then who?" I said.
"I don't feel comfortable telling you." She said.
"Have you told anyone?" I asked.

"No." She said.
"Tell me what happened."

"Um, it was in year 5 and I was walking back from Harry's dorm, and I saw, the person.

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