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**This story takes place in between the ending of season 3 and beginning of season 4 onward, going away from the plot line of the show a bit here and there.**

I've been in this prison refuge for a few days now, the woman with the sword found me scrounging for food a couple miles out and asked me a few questions before leading me back here. The people seem alright but I'm not really fond of their leader, 'Rick'. He seems a bit too stoic for my taste, especially with so many people looking to him for life altering decisions. I haven't had the 'pleasure' of speaking to him directly yet, I've been trying to stay under the radar a bit and just stay in the cell they gave me. I'm 'assigned' or whatever to cell block C, which seems to be where all the 'important' people are, I feel extremely out of place and alone, no more than usual though. I've pretty much been alone since all of this first went down anyways, so it's not really that different, I just have consistent meals and showers now. Cold but a shower is a shower nonetheless.

I decide to actually join everyone for breakfast this morning, I'm greeted by the older woman handing out the food, "You must be the newbie, I'm Carol." She hands me a plate and looks like she's waiting for me to say something so I clear my throat and stutter a bit, "I'm Josephine but everyone calls- well, everyone used to call me, Josie." She forces a smile, "Nice to meet you, Josie." I nod awkwardly as I make my way to a nearby half wall thing, I sit on the ledge and watch as the guy who's always messing with the motorcycle walks out and is greeted by absolutely everyone, he seemed overwhelmed by it but smiled it off as he grabbed a bowl from Carol. I looked away when they started talking and actually managed to eat something for the first time in days. I had a hard enough time eating before all of this, I learned to eat on an uneasy stomach and deal with it later instead of going without though, so at least I have some sort of energy, I can't live off of caffeine anymore like I used too. I sigh as I watch some of the walkers trying to get through the fence just yards away from Rick and his kid as they picked at some of the plants they had in the field nearby.

I was in my head for a while before I heard a voice, "Josie?" I looked up to see the motorcycle guy standing beside me, with his hand blocking the sun from his eyes as he squinted down at me, "Carol said Michonne found you on your own a few miles out." I nodded as I squinted up at him, "Yeah." He almost seemed amused that I wasn't more talkative as he asked, "You think you'd be any good at going on supply runs or would you rather stay here?" I shrugged, "I'll do whatever you need me to do." He nodded, "Alright, follow me then." I sighed as I stood up and followed him.

We went to where they parked all of their vehicles and I was a little surprised to see no one else was there, he grabbed a crossbow and put it over his shoulder, before holding out a machete and a gun, "What are you better with?" I pointed at his crossbow before grabbing the machete and gun from him, "I'm good with pretty much anything but long range guns." He looked me over before smirking, "Alright, well, I scouted a place about 15 miles out and it shouldn't be too hard to get in and out." I nodded before looking around in confusion, "Wait, is it just going to be us?" He sat on his motorcycle before squinting up at me, "Yep." I chuckled softly, "How do you know I won't kill you and ride off into the sunset with your bike first chance I get?" He let out a sarcastic laugh, "I mean, you can try but you won't succeed. Plus, you need to prove yourself anyways, we need to see what you're good at." I rolled my eyes, "Alright, can I at least grab my bag?" He nodded so I turned around and quickly made my way through the prison to my cell, grabbing my sunglasses and gear before heading back out to him.

I actually enjoyed the ride to the little neighborhood he drove us to, It was the first time in a long while that I've traveled anyway besides walking so I was happy, I was also happy he didn't try to talk to me or hit on me, it's hard to come by men who aren't disgusting nowadays. I got off the bike before he turned it off, he parked it about a mile away from where we were going. I grabbed my gear and slid my sunglasses down from my head down over my eyes. He pointed in the direction we were going and started walking so I followed him closely. I made sure to be diligent as we passed by vehicles and ditches, you never know when something might pop out and try to get you. We were walking for a few minutes before I glanced at him and noticed he was squinting again so I sighed and took my glasses off before tapping his arm with them, he gave me a weird look as he looked at the glasses in my outstretched hand, "You look like you need them more than I do." I whispered, he smirked and whispered back, "Thanks." With a slight nod before he put them on and kept going.

Staying Alive//TWDFanFicWhere stories live. Discover now