Chapter 64

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Satyapriya and Prabhasa quickly performed the first aid for Ugrasena. Prabhasa saw his mother's eyes welling up continuously while she wiped off blood from the cuts of the man lying infront of them.

" You know him?" Prabhasa asked his mother who just nodded. He understood her pain hence he didn't went to dug more to know his identity. He knew his mother would say it if required.

" I wonder why his gaurds have not came yet? How careless" Prabhasa huffed. The whole night both mother and son duo took a good care of unconscious Ugrasena.

The next morning with bright sunlight greeted Prabhasa and his guest. Ugrasena gained back his consciousness.

" Ugra " Satyapriya just embraced him weeping.

Ugrasena was puzzled at first as he was seeing a person whom they considered as dead.

" Atte " He exclaimed.

" You are alive! I can't believe my eyes..." Ugrasena went speechless.

Prabhasa just smiled at them. He helped Ugrasena to get freshen up and offered fruits to him.

Satyapriya then narrated all the stuffs till now leaving behind Ugrasena perplexed.

" You could have joined us Atte. Since when Hastinapura became stranger to you? On top of that Indraprastha and Mathura is now under Yadavas control only. Vajra would surely welcomed you happily " Ugrasena said.

" I don't want any more courtesy of anyone Putra. I am actually living happily here with my son. These forest creatures are far better than humans" She chuckled.

" Okay past is past. Come with me Atte. You can't estimate the happiness of Pitashree if he learns your well being. Let's go " Ugrasena urged.

Satyapriya refused. Ugrasena's trials became vain.

" How's Sashi? It has been almost 16 years since I saw her " She smiled.

" Happily in Swarga " He gave a sad smile but Satyapriya went pale.

" Take heart Atte. Sarvayashi died in child birth" He sighed.

Prabhasa embraced his crying mother. Even though he never saw Sarvayashi her death did ached his heart. Whatever the situation blood relation won't get detached soon. After all Sarvayashi and Prabhasa shared same mother's womb.

" Few years before Bhim married again with Princess Taramati of Rohitaka and Sashi gave birth to a girl we named her as Shrinkhala " Ugrasena gave a quick report.

Soon he sent the messenger carrying Satyapriya's news to Hastinapura. Without wasting a moment Parikshit and his sons hurried towards the forests of Lalithas to see Satyapriya and her son Prabhasa.

Parikshit embraced Satyapriya and cried his heart out.

" You don't how I spent these years. I almost gave up all my hopes in searching you Satya, thank God you are alive " He cried.

Satyapriya too just hugged him tightly as if there is no tomorrow. Prabhasa was a silent spectator of this emotional reunion.

Satyapriya caressed the 7 year old Shrinkhala. Parikshit decided to spend a day with his sister and nephew.

" Come back Satya, atleast think of Prabhasa he is a prince but you want him to live a life of tribal?" Parikshit scolded Satyapriya.

" No, he is not a prince bhrata. He is a King. His subjects are this nature only. You won't believe but this forest obeys his orders. I myself get surprised at certain situations. I will show you come with me. He will be meditating now I guess" She said.

Satyapriya dragged Parikshit along with her towards a small stream which was the favourite place of Prabhasa. Both of them couldn't believe their eyes for a moment.

As usually Prabhasa was meditating but his body was not resting on earth.

" Look at the age of sixteen he is able to achieve Levitation. Can you believe that? This region don't have any other human creature other than us and I haven't thought him this meditation stuffs. But see his ability" Satyapriya said.

Parikshit was still speechless. Both of the returned back without disturbing Prabhasa.

" This boy will really achieve something great. No doubt in that" He praised his nephew wholeheartedly.

They sat chatting for few more hours. Prabhasa returned back with his Kesari. Parikshit kept watching his handsome nephew.

" Satya do you remember Suruchi?" He asked.

" Yeah I do. Swami loved teasing that poor boy "

" Well now that boy got a beautiful Daughter, Tulaja. I wish to get her married to Prabhasa. You will get a family atleast " Parikshit grinned.

" No bhrata. Poor girl she is a princess afterall why to add sorrow in her life by welcoming her in this forest!?" Satyapriya refused.

" You refused in Yashu is matter I agree. But you couldn't see the wedding of Sashi and Bhim. This time don't spoil this too. Who is asking your permission afterall? I am just informing you that's it. Tulaja will marry Prabhasa. This is the order of Raja Parikshit " He said sternly. Prabhasa was amused.

" You say Prabha, will you marry Tulaja?" He asked.

Prabhasa looked at Satyapriya who was smiling at them.

" As my mother wishes " Prabhasa smiled.

" Then dond. Soon this Lalita vana will get a daughter in law" Parikshit declared.

After that there was no looking back or thinking twice. Suruchi and wife happily agreed to give their daughter to Prabhasa. Wedding preparations went like a spark. Shrinkhala got more attached with Satyapriya within a short period of time. She always love to be with her and also Prabhasa to built a great affection for Shrinkhala.

As per Prabhasa's wish their wedding held infront of a Devi's idol in the forest which he considered as Bhumi Devi.

Despite of being a princess a simple was not a difficult task for Tulaja. Her great grandfather Yuyutsu didn't wished to have a royal life after Kurukshetra and hence his children and grandchildren followed the same.

This phase was utterly new for Prabhasa but yet he was happy that he got a companion. After the wedding procession marched back to Hastinapura, Prabhasa held his wife's hand.

" Come I want to introduce you to my family" He said dragging her along with him.

" They are my siblings and here my grandparents. This is my world Tulaja I know you are thinking that I might an insane. No worries as the time passes you will also start loving them. I don't know what this husband wife theory says but yet I believe they should live like friends just like I live with the nature " Prabhasa smiled.

Being much more elated by Prabhasa's vision Tulaja finally gathered the courage to share her thoughts and request with him. Tulaja who witnessed Sarvayashi's death was extremely scared with maternity and hence shared this fear of her with her husband straight.

" It's my responsibility to honour your wish Tulaja. I agree with you" Prabhasa said genuinely.

With this Prabhasa and Tulaja ended up having no children together to the rest of their lives.

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So what happens next ? Any guesses?

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Read and enjoy.


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