Chapter 51

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Rohini had nothing to say. She just quietly sat near the door. To her surprise Krishna too came to her household early morning itself.

" Yashu... Satya.... Bring some water " Krishna said removing his sandals. He looked up to find his wife weeping near the door.

" Rohini what's this? Early morning itself you are shedding tears... It's not good " Krishna sat next to her.

Without a word Rohini hugged her husband and cried. She narrated the whole proceedings of yesterday.

Krishna gasped.

" Deepu " He called out for his son. Deeptiman rushed out hearing to his father's voice.

" Where is Deva?" Krishna asked.

Deeptiman bowed down his head and stood quiet.

" Have you all sold your inner self or what? Shantanetra is just an year old baby, where will he go with such a small baby? " Krishna scolded him.

" Pitashree a man needs peace to live.... Neither Deva nor us can get peace if his family stay here everyday of taunts etc. I am fed up. Let him stay seperate from us. Get inside let's have meal together " Deeptiman said walking back.

" Food? My people are in trouble until I satisfy them I won't eat anything. Rohini, atleast for today we must get some food for people until I gather the stocks because humans can't eat gold to survive that's why if there any extra stock of grains in home get that. I shall go to find Satya " Krishna threw a harsh glance at his sons before walking away.

Anila and Agnivarna were hungry that was clearly evident in their actions which pricked Dristadeva's heart

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Anila and Agnivarna were hungry that was clearly evident in their actions which pricked Dristadeva's heart. He looked at his wife who playing with their youngest kids Sarvayashi and Shantanetra.

" Abhi be with your mother" He said to his eldest boy and took Bharghi to the place where Krishna organised Charity works for peasants.

" Not at all Pitashree..... Asking food from someone as if we are helpless impossible let's go" Bharghi pulled him back.

" Bharghi think standing in my position. We can live some how son but Sashi and the twins can't. Yashu can't bear hunger you know that. Moreover if your mother won't eat anything, She can't nurse Netra too " Dristadeva requested.

Bharghi sighed. He must agree with his father. He smiled at Dristadeva.

Before they could join the line a pair of hands pulled them away.
They turned to see Achintya with a stern face.

" Bhratashri" Dristadeva smiled and Bharghi hugged him.

Satyabhama handed her Charity works to others and neared them.

" Give him nicely on his face Acchi " She said.

" I would have killed him for this, Kakishree " Achintya huffed.

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