Chapter 04

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Anagha after ringing frequently finally got line for Cynthia.

" Hello Cynthia speaking " a stern voice filled with pride greeted Anagha.

" Are you the same Cynthia from New York... I mean are you Cynthia Vamsi?" Anagha asked with excitement.

Cynthia looked at her assistant with haste.

" Sorry ma'am she was calling frequently " assistant apologized.

" Miss I have a single Identity as Cynthia.... I don't have leisure time to chat with your silly questions " Cynthia was irritated as usual.

" Hold on a minute ma'am I really need your help ... By the way I am Anagha from India " Anagha introduced herself.

" India?" Cynthia exclaimed.

" You should know that your roots..." Anagha started but was interrupted by Cynthia.

" I know that my roots are from India but I have nothing to do with it is that clear ? " She said.

" Listen to me please you will be really shocked to know about your lineage actually " Anagha tried to be sensible.

" Look my grandfather was a little boy when we ran away from India to save our lives from invasions I have never seen India and the yes I have grown up listening to our hardships in the unknown places that secrets of lineage didn't brought of a piece of bread for my grandfather that day what I am today as a CEO of renowned firm is our hard earned status I have nothing to do with wretched lineage " Cynthia disconnected the call.

Anagha sighed and startled listening to bus horn.

" Almora Almora " Conductor announced.

With all her belongings Anagha stepped down from the bus at the entrance of Almora.

She quickly voiced a voice message to Jay and sent updates to Robert.

Her conversation with Cynthia actually had a impact on her mind.

" Obviously what's the use of informing about her Lineage when she never lived it " Anagha thought.

She neared a Daaba and sat on its one of the wire cots to fill her growling tummy.

A couple of rotis and dal with a piece of onion arrived to her table.

Before tasting it she again took out Chowdary's diary.

" Indeed yes you read right , it's not from Samrat Parikshit but his sister's literally half sister

You must know the whole thing before contacting Cynthia then only you may get a perfect conclusion or else confusion as I got "

Chowdhary's words were like as if he was conversing with her on live. Her actions were guessed by him soo clearly.

" Shashi rekha Parinayam , Vatsala kalyana , Surekha haran ,Sundari swayamvara these are the formal classics which kept almost everyone's childhood colour full but yet the lady who has been addressed by all these names has no mention the original script of Jaya samhita but this may be a story for entertainment but I hope people haven't cooked up simple they might have evidences with this link I started to search and found these things about her daughter and further more details of her family which was penned on a rock in the forests of Almora untill certain year of 15 hundreds and no more if you see that 1500s were famous for invasions of Aurangzeb "

Chowdary again made a detailed report over the pages of diary and as an appendix for his diary a record book too had certain images stating the evidences.

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