Chapter 71

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Anagha along with Yaduveer, Giridhar, Cynthia, Jay and Roopa got down from the bus in Almora. Within few minutes of travelling by walk they all neared the Nagdevta temple.

" Rest here for a while team. We must travel a long way ahead" Anagha smiled and went inside the temple to meet the priest.

Giridhar was restless. He was unable to wait a second more to meet his family and friends. Whereas Cynthia's mind was roaming around Satyapriya. She opened Anagha's bag on Yaduveer's permission to take Abhidhamani book but she found one more file there.

" What's that Yadu?" She asked.

" Even I don't know " Yaduveer said and pulled out the file from the bag.

" Darpan " He read the heading aloud.

" You people!" Anagha shooked her head looking at them scanning her bag.

" That's no important thing. I am just writing down my journey experience of Project Abhidhamani. That's all " She sighed.

It was bit difficult for Giridhar to travel in those crooked roads of forest. Because of him they all have to take constant breaks in between. Finally after walking entire day Anagha found Mahogany tree.

" We have reached. That's the entrance of Satyagiri" She said.

Giridhar felt as if energy rushed into him at once. " Bhupati " he whispered before rushing towards Satyagiri.

" Dada" Cynthia ran behind him and so others.

Giridhar straight away made his way towards Satyabhama Devi temple.

" Bhupa.... Bhupati " He called out for his friend.

Confused by sudden arrival of unknown people few of the residents stood up to defend.

" Relax dear friends. It's me Anagha " Anagha conversed with them in their language to calm them down.

Chalapati and Kanakambari to hurried towards the temple.

" Giri !" Bhupati exclaimed waking up from his meditation.

The long lost friends embraced each other as if there is no tomorrow.

" I can't believe my eyes Mitra. Let my breath end right now. I don't care " Bhupati cried.

Giridhar cried his heart out. He was overwhelmed with his emotions. His childhood, his mother and grandfather everything flashed infront of him.

Cynthia smiled looking them.

" Hail to Kesari Giridhara Krishna Vamsi " Bhupati bowed down infront him.

Whole village rejoiced the moment and offered their salutations to their Kesari by bowing their head down with respect. Anagha and others admired the moment. Giridhar embraced Bhupathi again with a smile.

" Meet my son Chalapati and my daughter is law Kanakambari. He is my grandson Arka and that's my granddaughter Manjari. This is my small family" Bhupati introduced his family to Giridhar. They all touched his feet and took blessings.

" This is my grand daughter Chandrabhaga Devi, my everything" Giridhar patted Cynthia's shoulder and introduced her to the crowd.

" Take his blessings" Giridhar said to Chandrabhaga.

" Our love and blessings will always be with you Princess" Chalapati said.

Soon the message was sent to the rest of the villages too. Everyone celebrated the arrival of Prabhasa's heir.

Chandrabhaga's eyes caught Prabhasa's sculpture.

" I need privacy. Please ask no one to disturb me " She asked Anagha and went near the idol.

Darpan : A Lost Diary |✓|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora