Chapter 49

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Either Krishna or Rukmini looked at each other. Their daughters were nearby and grandchildren even great grandchildren were present there. They didn't wished to get caught in an embarassing situation.

" We cannot do much Dadaji just exchange these garlands infront of her and before that praise her" Abhigna grinned at Krishna.

Krishna cannot put off the word since he has promised Abhigna that he would follow his each and every words.

" I will help you don't worry" Abhigna said for which Krishna was amused.

" Fine then help me " He said.

Satyapriya and Dristadeva looked at each other with pride. They knew their son would trap everyone now with his soothing voice. Abhigna started with a melodious humming.

" What a beauty she is!!! Exactly resembling a sacred lamp. She appears like a doll made up of sandal and painted with colour extracted from moonlight " Abhigna started praising Rukmini. Krishna closed his mouth.

" She is my queen O dear little boy. I am the only one who has the right to praise her. Only I have the right praise those sparkling eyes and soothing acts" Krishna said garlanding Rukmini, who just hid her face in his chest listening to the laughter of the crowd around them.

Abhigna and the group clapped and cheered them. Krishna giggled and embraced Rukmini with one arm and extended the other arm towards his other queens with a smile. They all just shared an adorable group hug together.

" Let no one cast evil eye on you all " Charumati exclaimed.

" Prabhu....." A loud wailing of someone startled Krishna. He looked at Dristadeva and asked him to check.

" Aiyaa Prabhu " The cry reached Krishna again. He realised his subjects are in pain. He soon left the hands of his wives and hurried out along with Dristadeva. He was not dressed as a king that moment. The a spare blue shawl wrapped around his upper body and a long chain of Navaratna was adoring his neck.

The rest members who were present there followed Krishna in a hurry.

Krishna soon entered the palace hall to find a helpless pesant crying in agony. As soon as finding Krishna he fell to his feet.

Krishna quickly kneeled down and hugged the peasant as if he is own child.

" Relax please.... Tell me what's the matter!" He asked.

" Prabhu come with me.... We lost everything.." the farmer who was unable to talk because of his extreme hiccups just managed to explain something to Krishna and started walking out pulling Krishna with me.

Krishna just followed the farmer without even caring to wear his sandals. Satyapriya and her children headed by Abhigna too rushed behind him and so the Ashtabharya.

The farmer took Krishna to the farm lands of Dwaraka and came down over his kneels wailing again looking the scene.

" Everything is destroyed" He cried.

Krishna's heart broke into pieces looking at the farms. Not a single crop remained untouched by the pests. Everything which the farmers nurtured for whole year was destroyed in single night. Not a handful of anything remained good.

He rolled his watery eyes around to see Farmers crying like anything looking at there hardwork which went vain. They cried like a father who loses his children.

" Prabhu we are not left with anything now. Forget about sowing again we don't have anything left for filling our stomach too " another farmer cried infront of Krishna.

" Because of missing the downpour we were unable to yield well last year and now when we got rain everything is spoiled we would die in hunger Prabhu " He cried.

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