Chapter 42

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" maa " Abhigna ran inside the chamber of his parents in a hurry to find his mother nursing his little brother Bhargi.

" You were supposed to be with your father. Where is he? Where Yashu?" Satyapriya asked in a hurry.

" They are near the palace something is happening there people are crying. Come you must see that " 5 year old boy managed enough to say what he saw.

" Crying? But why? Who are they?" Satyapriya was tensed. She came out with the baby to see even Rohini rushing towards the palace.

" All grandmothers specially Jambhavati Dadi " Abhigna said.

Satyapriya sighed. The grief of Jambhavati was not a new thing for any of them. It has been a month since Samba is experiencing the symptoms of leprosy, Satyapriya herself checked on his condition as Samba refused any others from outside to see his disfiguring charm.

" But what happened suddenly " She thought and wrapped the baby with the soft garment and took Abhigna's hand in her palm and proceeded towards the palace.

The utter silence was dancing of the faces of the rest family members but Jambhavati was weeping uncontrollable. The other side few carts was waiting infront of palace and Ushneek standing beside them.

Satyapriya patted her husband's sholder asking him what's happening. Dristadeva quietly pointed at the well built muscular figure of a man who completely covered his body with a long shawl from head to toe. He was avoiding Jambhavati when she proceeded to touch him the shawl slipped away revealing the face of Samba, the dear son Krishna and Jambhavati.

" Don't touch me mother, I don't wanna cause any more trouble to you " Samba stepped back avoiding the touch of Jambhavati. Krishna held her by her shoulders with a painful sigh.

" Did you hear him Swami? He is my son how can he do something for me? Ask him to stay back I shall look after him " Jambhavati cried.

" Samba Mava !!" Satyapriya exclaimed. She stepped forward only to be held by Deeptiman. He gestured her not to move further.

" I am his doctor I was treating him " She said and freed her hands but Deeptiman didn't spoke but just took the infant Bharghi from her hands.

Samba smiled a painful on it was.

" The handsome man of Dwaraka is a Untouchable know. How time turns everything upside down?! " Satyapriya thought for herself looking at Deeptiman's reaction. He was not rude or wrong. It's his care for his grandson.

" I am there for you Mava. I shall treat you. I shall learn more to cure you but don't leave us " She said caressing his shoulders which was covered with shawl.

Samba moved few steps away from her with a smile.

" You are little yet my dear. I agree you are a mother of three now but still you are the same Satya of three who used to play with me. I don't want my this disease trouble you in future look at your little kids too you should live a long life happily don't bother about me " Samba said.

" Deva look after my little parrot. Do not even think of hurting her" He said to his nephew Dristadeva.

" Lakshmana's only fault was getting married to me for that she is also suffering with me I don't want everyone to suffer" Samba's eyes turned tearful.

" You were right father. This is the right time. I must leave Dwaraka now. I shall move to Mitravana " Samba looked at his father.

" Dravida, Vijaya don't let mother to feel my absence it's my humble request " He adviced his younger brothers.

" Jyesta, I am sorry for everything " Samba's tongue didn't supported him to say everything in his mind. Pradyumna just walked inside the palace unable to bear anymore.

He then moved to his mother and bent down. He touched her shadow with utmost affection letting his tears to fall over it.

" Mata if I stay alive, I will see you again " Samba stammered.

His last words moved Satyapriya to tears.

Samba joined his palms in namaste to his parents and climbed his cart followed by Lakshmana and Ushneek.

The carts left Dwaraka. Krishna walked behind those carts effortlessly until it faded away. He sat down there itself near Satyapriya. She too sat next to him.

" Swami " Rukmini and other queens of Krishna rushed towards him.

Krishna sensed the faint hiccups of Satyapriya. He gently embraced and allowed her to rest her head over his chest.

" Don't feel bad dear. You did you best " He said rubbing her hairs.

" Samba will practice Surya aradhana now. He will be alright and will return for us as the old handsome fellow " Krishna said as he caressed Jambhavati's cheek in the other hand.

" A father. Dadaji Krishna is always the best father. His voice shows the depth of his sorrow. But still he keeps hope for his son's cure " Satyapriya thought tightening the grip around his waist.

That night none had their dinner peacefully. Krishna refused to eat and so his wives.

" I shall visit Rohini today" He said to Rukmini and walked out of the royal place because junior wives houses were the only place where Samba didn't used to stay much. Also it has been months since he visited his wives properly.

Krishna knocked the door of Rohini's household. Aparna opened the door.

" Mamashree " She welcomed him with joy.

" Dadaji " The kids of Deeptiman and Tamratapta's son's rushed towards him.

He picked up Yashobhadra, the youngest among them and walked towards the hall. Rohini hurried towards the hall to see her lord.

" First bring the food Rohini, I shall feed the kids today " Krishna said concealing his actual emotions.

Satyapriya came out with the food plate and Rohini smiled at her. The others too gathered around him.

" Dadaji , you haven't narrated any story for us " Jayanta said as Krishna fed him.

" Today, Dadaji is soo tired I shall think of new stories till my next visit " Krishna replied feeding Abhigna.

Yashobhadra was already asleep in his arms. For no reason the little girl always loved Krishna embrace. She is always comfortable with him more than her own parents.

" Some more??!" He asked looking at the kids face.

Their tired grin showed that they were full and sleepy already.

" Satya Yashu didn't had anything" Krishna reported to Satyapriya.

" Swami fed her already Dadaji don't worry " Satyapriya smiled.

Krishna caressed the face of the sleep girl.

" If you don't mind. Let her sleep with me today. Please " Krishna requested.

" Arey, what's there to request Dadaji?! You can actually. Bhargi and Abhigna will be with us we won't feel lonely " Dristadeva said.

The rest daughters in law of Deeptiman and Tamratapta natural got jealous over Satyapriya. Krishna took Yashobhadra with him instead of their kids.

" Just because Satyapriya is his big brothers grand daughter, he showers more love to her kids only " Vrushaba's wife whispered to other.

" Nowadays it's extreme actually. That Abhi always runs behind him. Guess what, Mamashree Deeptiman too loves Deva's kids more. Deva don't have his mother na so extra care " The other huffed.

Their whispers didn't failed to reach Satyapriya. But finding Krishna with Yashobhadra made her quiet.

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So what happens next ? Any guesses?

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Read and enjoy.


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