Chapter 69

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As per Giridhar's request Anagha took him and Cynthia to famous shrines of Vishnu. All the way long Anagha narrated some best tales of India and it's pride.

For the first time ever Cynthia smiled at Indian flag with the bottom of her heart. She was utterly proud of her nation too.

Mr. Dilip Shastry, manager of Cynthia's Goldleaf enterprises in India joined them in the journey towards Tirupati.

" Let's have some refreshments" Yaduveer suggested after stopping the car infront of tender coconut stall.

To their surprise, Jay and Madam Chowdary were also present there.

" Madam Chowdary!" Anagha exclaimed and touched her feet for blessings.

Cynthia was puzzled which didn't went unnoticed by Yaduveer.

" Her name Roopa, she is the wife of KR Chowdary and hence everyone call her as Madam Chowdary. That guy is Jay, I mean Jayram Chowdary, KR Chowdary's son " He gave a quick information of them.

" Nice to meet you " Jay smiled at Cynthia. They all had a cool moment together having tender coconut water.

They saw a man pulling a young woman harshly.

" What's he doing? Is he crazy?" Cynthia gasped.

" This is the normal story of everyday madam. He won't listen to anyone" The shopkeeper said.

Cynthia looked at Yaduveer with puzzled look as she didn't understand shopkeeper's language. Yaduveer translated it.

" We can help her. Neglecting something like this causes severe trouble" Cynthia said and placed towards that man along with Anagha.

" Is this a way to behave with a woman? Leave her man " Anagha said.

" My wife I will do anything with her what troubles you? Mind your business" The drunken man replied reluctantly.

" Akka, he will ask me to sleep someone for money. Save me please save me " the young woman cried.

Though Cynthia didn't understood was she said she could sense the pain and fear in her voice. She fisted her palm

" Shut up!" He slapped that woman. Cynthia's patience broke.

A tight slap from Cynthia landed on that drunken man's cheek.

" Madam no " Anagha tried to stop her but Cynthia didn't payed any heed to her words.

" What do you think of yourself?" She slapped more. The drunken man was just stunned by the force of the slap from Cynthia he didn't defended himself.

" Akka please no" the woman tried to stop Cynthia.

" Oho Indian sentiment right? Go wash your husband's feet and worship him. If you don't want him to be punished then why did you asked us to save you? Go die then " Cynthia shouted.

Anagha translated Cynthia's words to that woman who looked down quietly. Cynthia took deep breath.

" Look I respect your culture and sentiments " Cynthia said talking that woman's Mangal Sutra to her palm. " Just think what's the use of respecting this when you don't have any respect this relationship? That idiot is not necessary for you to live. You are enough. Think again for yourself I am ready to set up a respectful life for you. Think again " Cynthia said composing herself.

After hearing to Anagha's translation the woman smiled.

" I don't want to live with him " She said.

" Great, I am assuring you dear you won't regret your decision " Cynthia smiled and turned to Anagha.

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