Chapter 03

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" are you serious ? Anu this is not a joke" Mr. Shambhu roared.

Anagha with a travel record in her hand sat quietly in that seminar room.

" Silence is not welcomed Anu " Charulata tapped the table.

" Ma'am and Sir please calm down I will talk to her " Arpita intervening in between.

" No Arpita , I have decided to drop out from this project ... I am not working on Vijayanagar any more , Roots of Krishnadevaraya is almost clear as a experienced expert you can carry out .... I am following my Guru " Anagha concluded.

" That's not fair .... Be loyal to your work" Shambu said.

" Uncle let me walk out of this project uncle hope you understand me " Anagha sat infront of Prof. Robert.

" I agree Anu .... But can you walk on KR's path that's not easy " Robert sighed.

" Atleast let me try uncle .... Please grant permission to me please " Anagha requested.

With the help of Robert , Anagha gained permission from Director General of ASI.

They even released funds and all necessary assets for her.

" Encouraging the uprising talents are our responsibility because in future you people are going to glorify this ASI " Director assured her.

" Mr Robert will be your mentor but no others are agreeing to join your team I am sorry " He apologized.

" It's ok sir you have done this much for me I am grateful for that .... I assure you sir trust me " Anagha smiled.

Jay tossed the TV remote and fisted his palm

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Jay tossed the TV remote and fisted his palm.

" My foot " He was clearly frustrated.

Roopa sighed looking at the news displaying on the TV screen.

" Look at her maa .... She is just spoiling her career and nothing else " Jay said making Roopa to nod.

" And this stupid politics of this media people .... 'The most awaited project ' disgusting when dad was dying for this none cared now as a youth is restarting it all alone the are just over screening it to gain popularity " Jay stamped his foot.

" Anu is still young if she meets defeat in this project then also this media cooks up unwanted things and don't know what happens to Anu .... Let me call Keshav ji first " Jay reached out to his mobile.

After talking to Jay , Keshav looked at his wife Shrimati , who switched to a news channel.

" What happened to your daughter? " Listening to Shrimati Anagha came out but stand quiet looking at the TV.

" Anu no dear this is not wise " Keshav patted his daughter's shoulder.

" No Pappa I actually came here to inform you for the permission let me surrender Guru dakshina to my teacher let me go " Anagha smiled and went inside to pack her bag.

" You are talking about impossible those things ended Thousands of years ago " frustrated Shrimati tried to sound sensible.

" indeed yes but I trust my Guru ... I will get anything about those days for sure things can't be hidden soo long everything has an answer " Anagha zipped her bag and declared sternly.

Before leaving she once met all her close associates.

" This is my friend's number he is a forest ranger near Almora he may help you " Jay said.

Anagha smiled at her and hence her journey began.

' I actually wrote everything as if I am narrating to you Anu and here you go......

You must be wondering who could be this Cynthia?

Simple she is a living member related to Krishna's vansh most likely from Abhimanyu's lineage '

Anagha's brows arched.

" Than this must be specifically Pandava's lineage right ?" Anagha questioned herself.

The next line of Chowdhary's record literally gave chills to her.

' But not from Samrat Parikshit '

" Before continuing further reading let me contact her I may get anything " Anagha pulled out her cellphone dialing to Cynthia Vamsi.


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So what happens next ? Any guesses?

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