Chapter 28

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Satyapriya spotted Dristadeva near her chamber. He sat there calmly and was rubbing his recently appeared moustache. Satyapriya went pale. She gulped as he looked at her.

" Get inside " He said moving away from her way. 

" What's he upto? It's my room but why is he asking ... Literally ordering to get in " Satyapriya thought.

" Will you?" Dristadeva asked again.

Satyapriya went inside quickly. Dristadeva also went inside the room and locked the door.

" What's all this? Why are you locking the door? What do you think of me? Please go out" Satyapriya stammered reaching out for a knife.

" Do you really dare to use that?" Dristadeva asked as he comfortably seated on a couch.

" What should I do if you behave like this? Won't I feel tensed, anger and scared ?" Satyapriya asked in a hurry.

" Keep the knife away and sit infront of me " Dristadeva said pointing at the couch infront of him.

Satyapriya just obeyed him without a word.

" Obviously you will feel bad about me because of what all the things I am going to talk now but trust me I am decent fellow " Dristadeva started.

" From the time I saw you near your Bhamini I am feeling a bit different towards you. A pleasant one I used to think about you and even admire your beauty too it was Bhrata Ani who gave me a clarified explanation " He said. Satyapriya's body shivered for a second. Her heartbeat skipped.

" He says it's love " Dristadeva said looking away. Satyapriya gasped. She was unable to react in a pleasing way.

" I too thought about it till today and I too agree with Bhrata Aniruddha. I love your everything your behaviour, skills, beauty, heart everything and hence I am in love " He took deep breath " with you " He said.

Satyapriya just stumbled at her place.

" Is he speaking all these things? My imagination is coming true for real?" Satyapriya's inner voice sprinted.

Dristadeva stood up and sighed again. He neared her with slow steps.

" I love you Satya, will you marry me?" He asked as he kneeled down infront of her and placed his palms over her laps. Satyapriya could sense his shivering hands and sweat beads which were lining up on his forehead. She had goosebumps all of a sudden. She gulped again.

" I swear I will look after you like a queen. I will never make cry I swear trust me" Dristadeva repeated literally stammered.

Satyapriya looked at his face, he was longing to know her answer.

" I don't know ask my mother " Satyapriya replied in low voice.

Dristadeva sat down on floor with an exhausted gesture and facepalmed. Satyapriya was puzzled.

" Seriously? How can I ask Atte like ' Atte I love your daughter I wish to marry her' ? Won't I feel embarrassed?" Dristadeva huffed.

" How can I tell my mother that I love a boy and wishes to marry him only? Won't I feel shy?" Satyapriya replied with same force and turned away from him.

" Moreover how can I agree with you without my mother's permission ?" Satyapriya asked.

" What shall I do know? After such a great effort I confessed everything and recieved this answer actually there is no answer at all " Dristadeva huffed.

" Look at you just before a minute you said you would treat me like a queen and now you are yelling at me how can I believe you then ?" Satyapriya huffed.

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