𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖞 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗-𝕶𝖊𝖍𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖎

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kehlani's pov

I was safe now, back with Theo. "You'll be staying in the room next to me until you're comfortable. if you don’t want to, that's fine, but I just want you to be comfortable. There is a door that connects our rooms though if you need me." I watched him move around the room, moving all of my stuff off my bed. "I'll be back in thirty." He started to walk out, but turned around. "Do you wanna come with me? I don’t want you to be alone." I smiled and nodded. Theo held his hand out for me and I held it tight.

His hands were actually soft now, not rough like how most guy's hands are. When we got into the car, he didn't turn the radio on.

He wanted to talk. "You don't have to, but tell me what happened." Both of his hands were on the wheel, I didn't even open my mouth to say no. I just shook my head. Theo quickly glanced at me before returning his focus to the road. “Okay, that’s fine.” He turned the radio on low and moved his hand to the gear shift. I needed to tell someone about what happened. “We got you a therapist. You can say no to it, but my dad thinks it’ll help.” He said, trying to get me to talk. I just smiled and nodded, resting my head on the window. I had not talked for almost a full day now, Theo was itching to hear my voice because he was always quiet around me. “I almost killed myself with the cyanide tablet.” I finally broke my silence. Theo’s eyes darted towards me, “What? No, start from the beginning after he kidnapped you.” He kept the radio on and moved his hands to the wheel. Theo pulled over to an empty parking lot and parked.

“I was knocked out until I felt this pain in between my legs. I tried to see if there was any blood, but I couldn't. I was chained to the wall. That’s when Asher took the picture of me and sent it to everyone. I tried to pick the lock on my ankles and wrists, but I was only able to do my ankles. I caught a cramp while doing it.” I looked over at Theo and saw him looking out the window, little sniffles and choked breathing. “Keep going.” he said in a hushed tone. “Then, Zane walked in with grilled cheese and water. I didn’t eat because I was too scared and I felt like I was gonna throw up at any moment. Then he vowed to make sure I paid for what I did to Francesca and him. Giovanni walked in, he was pissed and then he started speaking Russian. Our family does that when they are stressed or angry. He said a bunch of things I know he regretted, but then I met your mom and Asher’s mom. Mrs. A is so sweet and caring. Then Asher walked in and held me at knife point while I watched him kill his own mom.” I went to touch Theo’s shoulder, but hesitated. “Is this the part where Zane raped you the first time?” He muffled his words with his hand. “Yeah.” A pained cry left Theo’s lips, “I can stop. We don’t have to do this right now.” I was crying too at this point. “I’m fine, just keep talking.”

I starte fidgeting with my necklace, the one thing that tied me down. “Later that evening, Zane and Asher tagged team. It was the most horrible thing ever. I don’t remember what really happened, but I woke up to your mom asking me if I was okay. I remember just laying there, sobbing,unable to move my arms and legs. My throat was red and sore from me screaming and yelling all the time. I eventually calmed down, but Asher ruined it by separating me and your mom. I had a really bad anxiety attack when I thought Asher had killed your mom. The next day I slept and stayed in bed. I didn't eat anything, only water. I was too hurt to do anything. Then, the worst thing possible happened. I felt a rough hand on my side, it was cold and moved slowly up my side. It was James. I tried to run, but he hit me over the head with the door handle I broke while trying to get out. He then dragged me down the marble staircase, him, Asher, and Zane started to beat me to a pulp." I took a deep breath, Theo was still crying his chest heaved with each breath he took. "Giovanni stepped in before it got worse. I had just accepted the fact that I was broken and that I might not make it out alive. That's when I called you. I just needed to hear your voice and let you know that I was okay. The same night was when Asher and Zane got wasted and decided to beat me with a metal bat. It took them until my shoulder popped out of socket and I blacked out. Giovanni made them give me outside time so I went out to the pool to clear my head. I was so peaceful, at peace with dying so young. Then one of Asher's men saw my body and I could tell he felt sorry for what had happened to me. Asher wanted to talk but James was in there too. I saw the cyanide pill in the ring and slipped it under my tongue. I was ready to die at that moment. I regretted being in a bikini and the James asked for a kiss. I moved to pill in between my teeth and slipped it into his mouth. When I heard him grunt and felt his heart rate increase, I knew it had worked. I went to go distract Asher by stabbing him with a pen. I ran to my room and changed clothes. No way I was gonna die in a bikini in a house full of men." I stopped because this was where I didn't want Theo to hear the rest. He turned his face towards me, his brown eyes were still tear filled and red. His lashes were wet with Salty tears. Theo opened the car door and walked outside. He sat on the car hood, his face buried in his hands. "Is there more?" Theo asked. I followed behind him.

I nodded hesitantly, "Keep going. I'll be okay."

"They took me to the basement and tied me to this metal chair and hooked me up to jumper cables and a car. Giovanni walked in and was pissed. We talked and then he escorted me up to my room. Giovanni made me one of my comfort foods and watched one of our family's favorite shows. Then I called you again. Giovanni was so nervous about your decision. He was happy and proud that I had found someone who loved me for me. Then He gave me Humphrey. I held that thing so tight to sleep." Theo laid his hand on mine, drawing little circles on my hand. "The next day was attack after attack. I woke up to Asher holding me at gunpoint, then he raped me. Zane was next, then James. I walked to Giovanni's room to ask if he was ready, but then I saw him just dead there. He was still seizing when I walked in, but I knew he was dying. I knelt down and closed his eyes for him. I laid his rosary he always kept on him in his hands and prayed his soul would be taken care of. When Asher saw me in there, he stabbed me with a knife and dragged me to an empty room and tied me to the pipes. He wrapped barbed wire around my throat and swore that you would never find me. He was hoping that the barbed wire pierce my artery. I prayed and prayed for what felt like hours until I heard your men. I screamed once but it hurt too much to keep going. I started crying when it went quiet. I didn't know what had happened and started to loose hope. I was raped a total of 5 times in 3 weeks and beat even more times. That's the end." Theo looked down at me, "You will never have to go through that again. I swear on my life."

He kissed my forehead and tried to wrap his hand around my waist. I flinched away from him. "Too fast. I'm sorry." I shook my head, "It's not that." I walked back to car and Theo followed behind me. I opened the trunk and pulled shirt off. His eyes widened as he looked at my bruises and scars. "James clipped the jumper cables to my skin." Theo put my shirt on for me, "Do you still wanna cook or just order take out?"

"Take out." We got back into the car and drove to the main plaza where my favorite restaurant was. "I can go order. I don't mind." I started to get out the car, but Theo stopped me. "I'm going with you. I don't know where James is and we have to be on alert at all times." I ordered chicken lo mein, crab rangoons, and fried rice. "Do you want any sushi?" Theo was focused on me and my body language, "Yeah. Get like two different ones." We waited in the car, talking about how much work we had to do and how we were gonna tell our friends we were together. "We'll just walk into school holding hands." I suggested. After we got our food we drove home. Still talking about random stuff. "Are we gonna be home in time for Christmas?" I asked.

Theo nodded, "Once you and my mom are cleared. we're going home. Then, I'll take you on a proper date." He teased. We ate while watching princess and the frog, dancing on the couch and table. "Where's the rest of your family?" Theo stopped dancing for a minute and plopped down on the couch, “My mom and dad went to another house we have and Dante is probably on vacation. They wanted to give us some privacy.” The scene where Naveen and Tiana danced on the lily pads. Theo pulled his shirt off and just laid back on the couch. He had a new tattoo that laid across on his chest and one on his back. "When did you get those?" I asked laying down on the couch, "When I got a chance to relax."

He opened his arms for me to lay down on his chest. I snuggled next to him and listened to his heartbeat. It was fast at first, but then as I slowed my breathing down, his slowed too. "Do you like them?" He had this sword tattoo with my name on it over his heart. His back tattoo was Lucifer flying while falling reaching for heaven. "I love them." He kissed my forehead, but I pulled him for a deeper kiss on my lips.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, pulling away from me. "Yes."

"Good." He grabbed my face and kept kissing. His lips were soft and plump, and his tongue fought against mine for dominance. His hands didn't dare move past my waist. "I love you princess. I'll never let another sould hurt you again. I promise."

I was home and at peace.

hey lovelies! im making the decision to keep going in this book. I'm not backing down on the decision. I'll be publishing more often, but yeah. thank you for all the reads, votes and people just now getting into my book! cya soon! mwah!

1980 words

𝕽𝖚𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now