𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊

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that's kehlani's car

Kehlani pulled up in her mustang and parked in the driver's circle. She got out of the car and did her last minute maintenance. Kehlani heard someone come up behind her, "Hi Zane." she mumbled, Theo and Dante were making bets, their biggest one on Kehlani. "Why did you break up with me?" Zane asked. Kehlani popped her hood and started cleaning the debris away, "I told you already, Zane. I guess nothing goes through that thick skull of yours." she replied. 

Zane grabbed Kehlani's wrists and pinned her against the car, his breath reeked of alcohol, "Just because I cheated on you, doesn't mean I don't want you." He grumbled. Kehlani got loose of his grasp and crossed her arms, "Zane, just drop it. Francesca obviously like you." She said.

Kehlani started to walk away when Zane grabbed by the throat, "You don't know what the hell you're doing." He said. Theo glanced over at Kehlani.

He nudged Dante in the arm and motioned towards Kehlani. They walked over and pulled Zane off of Kehlani. "You good?" Dante asked. Kehlani closed her hood and made eye contact with Theo, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'll see you when I'm done." She replied. Kehlani walked away and joined the other drivers.

Dante looked at Zane, "What was that all about?" He asked. Zane looked over towards Kehlani and looked at his shoes. "We broke up." He replied. Theo's eyes popped up from his phone, "About time." He said under his breath. Zane jumped at Theo, but Dante stopped him. Theo looked Zane up and down, "Watch who you try next time." He said, and walked away to join his lacrosse team. 

"So I was thinking, you, me, tomorrow night, seven o'clock?" Harvey asked. Harvey was Kehlani's best friend since middle school. They went their different ways for high school.

Kehlani looked up from her phone, "I'm down." She replied. Theo smirked and approached them, "I got it from here buddy." He said cockily. Theo grabbed Kehlani and led her to where his lacrosse team was. He put his body up against hers and put his arm around and on her shoulders. "Gino, how did you bag Kehlani?" One of his teammates asked. Kehlani rolled her eyes, "He dragged me over here." She answered for Theo. Kehlani adjusted her hips a little, forgetting Theo was right up against her. "My bad." She whispered. Theo leaned down to her ear, "I hate you so fucking much." He grumbled

"I know you do." She said.

"All racers, please make your way to the starting line." The announcer said. Kehlani put her airpods in and started to walk towards her car. Theo grabbed her hand, spun her around, and kissed her forehead, "Good luck, princess. I got a lot of money riding on you."He said.

Kehlani nodded and got in her car, "How much are we talking?" she asked. Theo smirked and flashed two briefcases full of hundred dollar bills, "200k." he responded. Kehlani smiled, "Ah, don't worry! That's money is mine!" Kehlani yelled as she pulled off. She lined up next to Harvey and another racer. The racers started revving their engines, signaling they were ready. The flag girl raised her flag, waved it three times, "Go!" She yelled.

The rev of engine....

She was off and ahead of all the other racers. Theo and his team watched from the front row, as the person they all bet on, go faster than any of the other racers. The racers turned the tight bend, Kehlani way ahead of them. There was a turn where the racers had to drift in order to not crash. "Come on, Lani." Theo whispered to himself. Kehlani drifted perfectly and on past the finish line. She revved her engine and started honking her horn. 

Theo and his team waited till Kehlani walked over to them, and started spraying her with champagne. "That's what I'm talking about!" exclaimed Theo. Leo walked over to her, "I don't know why those other racers thought they had a chance." he commented.  Kehlani laughed, "I know right. I was like vroom! Then like skrrrrrrr! Then vroooooooommmm! Then bam, I won!" she said, jumping all over the place. Theo did a final count of the money, "Two hundred fifty-six thousand dollars. As promised." he said as he handed her the money. 

Kehlani chugged a bottle of champagne as she grabbed the wad of money, "Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Amadeo." She said. Kehlani and Leo went to their cars, "Race ya home?" she asked. Leo smirked, "You're on." They pulled off the lot neck in neck. 

Kehlani gunned it on the gas. 

"Well, I'll see everyone on Monday." Theo said, running his hand through his hair. His team said their goodbyes and parted ways. "I'm going home." Theo said as he walked by Dante. Dante looked up from the girl he was making out with, "I'll be home soon." he mumbled, immediately going back in for a kiss. Theo rolled his eyes, got into his car, and drove off. 


Friday 1:32am

Theo: she's on her way back i'm 
going home 

Papà: Okay. We'll finish the 
deal on saturday at her birthday party. 

Theo: do i have to get her a gift

Papà: Yes, it'll make you look good

Theo: fine

Theo walked into his house, up to his room, and hopped in the shower. "Theo!" exclaimed Dante. Theo sighed, "Yes?" he called from his shower. Dante walked in, "I know what to get Kehlani for her birthday." Theo got of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist, "What?" he asked. Dante showed him a picture of bread lamp, "This." he said. Theo dried his hair, "Are you drunk?" Theo asked. Dante looked at him, "No." he replied, hiding a smirk. Theo started laughing, "You're a dumb drunk, you know that?" he teased. Dante started walking towards the door, "Am not." he whined. Theo pushed him out of his room, "Are too!" 

996 words


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