"Yo, Miss Ye looks in good spirits, huh?" The man in the blue suit gave a sarcastic smile, "How's that. Have you thought about how you're going to gag that yodeling crowd later?"

Ye Yunjie scoffed at the other party's words and sneered in response, "I think you're the one who should be thinking about it, right? What, have you got your results? Have you finished reading them? Or have you already tampered with them? I'd like to see how you, Engineer Feng, would like to respond to everyone if your two sides' test reports don't match!"

The blue-suited man gave Ye Yunjie a blank look, laughed disdainfully and said, "Ye, I'm actually curious, how can you be so sure that the quality of your project is not faulty? Oh. Haven't you ever thought that you would lose?"

Ye Yunjie indifferently raised her head and looked at the other party, still incomparably determined, "That's right, I just believe in the quality of my engineering, I just believe that today you will look bad. Because ......"

Ye Yunjie smiled and did not finish the words that followed.

But she had already told herself in her heart, because all of this was supervised by Ye Xiaorou's participation, she believed in her sister, with Ye Xiaorou's shrewdness and decisiveness, if something had gone wrong with the project, then she would probably have found out long ago.

Because she believed in Ye Xiaorou, she also believed that there was no problem with the quality of the City South project. This was purely out of a sense of trust in her own kin.

The man in the blue suit shook his head and smiled at his words, glanced at the gold watch on his wrist and said: ''Cheng, very well, then let's wait and see who can actually have the last laugh. Well, the time has come, is it time for the launch to begin?"

Ye Yunjie also checked the time. Nodding at Qiao San, Qiao San took two steps forward to the front of the media and said, "Everyone, the conference on the quality of the Chujiang City South project will now begin, I hope everyone can keep quiet and ask questions in an orderly manner."

After speaking, Qiao San made a gesture of invitation, signalling for Ye Yunjie to come forward.

Ye Yunjie nodded, turned her head and smiled faintly at Jiang Hao, walked straight to the seat marked with her name and sat down, and beside her was the man in the blue suit.

The man in the blue suit wasn't the least bit polite either, as he directly stepped over and sat down on his butt in his seat.

Ye Yunjie spoke up first, "Alright media friends, the conference will now begin. If you have questions for Engineer Feng, you can start now!"

As soon as Ye Yunjie said this, the man in the blue suit sitting next to her immediately exploded and hurriedly questioned in a low voice, "Why should I be asked first?"

Ye Yunjie, on the other hand, smiled. She said, "What, are you afraid? Or are you afraid of being asked to say something?"

"You ......" The man in the blue suit disdainfully glared at Ye Yunjie and coldly snorted, "I'm afraid? Why would I be afraid? Hmph. Fine, since that's the case, then let's do it!"

As soon as the man in the blue suit's words fell, a member of the media rushed to rise from the stage. I'm from the Chujiang Evening News, and I still have the same question: if the test report this time shows that there is no problem with the quality of the City South project, then what explanation will you and your team department give? Because as we all know, just a short while ago, your department gave the City South project a failed concrete grade report and ordered the City South project to stop work temporarily."

The man in the blue suit laughed lightly, looked at the woman who asked the question with disdain and said, "Actually, what I'm curious about is how you people are so sure that there's nothing wrong with the City South project. Oh, I'd like to ask you, if the City South project turns out to be problematic, how should you go about asking questions of this Miss Ye Yunjie Ye?"

"This ......" The woman hesitated slightly at the question, she looked at Ye Yunjie and did not say anything.

Obviously, this woman came up and questioned the man in the blue suit, but on the contrary, when it came to Ye Yunjie, she did not say a word, there was something fishy about it.

The woman was actually a part of her preparation.

Only this woman didn't seem to be too giving, Ye Yunjie couldn't help but shake her head and directly grabbed the topic, saying, "I said that there won't be any problems with the south of the city project!"

"Oh, the results haven't come out, how do you know if there are any problems?" The man in the blue suit sneered and said, "Miss Ye is so sure that there is no problem with the quality of the project, then may I ask Miss Ye if you dare to make a guarantee? If the results come out later and it is proven that there are problems with the quality of the City South project, how will you plan to do so!"

This was forcing her to give a guarantee, so Ye Yunjie couldn't help but glance coldly at the other party and said, "You want a guarantee, don't you? Oh, then I'll give you a guarantee!"

"Wait ......" Just at this moment, Jiang Hao suddenly got up and called out to Ye Yunjie.

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