A showcase with @Rose_Nightshade , author of: 7 Lives Apart

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

The idea of my story was inspired by a dream of mine. So what happened was, I saw a dream in which this boy (Shawn from the novel) came back from morning jog, we were dating and living together, as he entered the house from the front door, he had dropped his water bottle, when I picked it up and looked at him, although he was standing right in front of me, his eyes were somewhere else, it's as if he has entered a different space.

 At that time while holding the water bottle in my hands, this thought naturally came to me that, he must've entered a different timeline, where was able to see his ex girlfriend, well and alive, who had already passed away. That it was like a little trip to a different timeline.

After that dream, I thought of coming up with a story incorporating what I saw and felt in that dream, and as I'm a huge fan of romance and supernatural creatures as well as psychopaths and sociopaths, I thought, why not include all of my favorite things and make an interesting and exciting story. 

2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story?

The things I struggled with while constructing the story was, how to showcase the story line in an intriguing manner, so that the readers don't find it boring, also I had a hard time writing the first chapter.

At first I just started the story from mid way but then I realized that the readers won't know what the main essence of the story is, what it is about and where it'll go? So I went and wrote another first chapter, this time I wrote it from where the main characters will be facing the ultimate challenge, a chapter that tells, who the characters are and where their story will lead them to.

3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story?

 The parts that I enjoy writing the most in my story is, when Rose and Vincent are scheming against their targets, there expressions, and the way they carry themselves.

I also enjoy writing vivid descriptions of the scenery around them whether it's morning, evening or night.

Another thing that I enjoy writing is the playful interaction between Rose and Shawn. Although, Rose is a sociopath, indifferent to genuine emotions, but the way she interacts with Shawn, excellently faking those honey dripping gestures and expressions, I bet Shawn is already falling, or who knows, is it the other way round? not likely right? 

4 what's the overall response of your story from your readers?

Well, the overall response from my readers have been positive so far! They're really enjoying the story and looking forward to reading more! 

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series ?

My novel is a piece of a series! A lot of exciting and heart throbbing events are going to take place in the story in the future!  

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

Well I don't have any big picture in mind, as to what I would like the readers to take away from this story, but if I have to mention something, I would say, that this story will provide them with a hope to strive forward no matter what difficulty may arise, to take their time to heal, it may be by being with people who offer you that comfort or simply being in your happy place, to be someone's place of comfort.

From this story, the readers will get to know a lot about what kind of thought process the characters have, how they came to be who they are, and how changes took place in their attitudes due to certain situations, encounters etc. 

7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story?

My advice would be that when focusing on your own story, remember to stay true to your unique voice and vision. Trust your instincts, but also be open to feedback and constructive criticism. Staying disciplined in your writing routine is very important and don't get discouraged by setbacks. And most importantly, write from the heart because authenticity is key to engaging storytelling.

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

Yes! The main characters of my novel do share similarities with me, for instance, Rose, her manipulating and selfish personality, it is somewhat similar to me, not on an extreme level though, I just sometimes like to manipulate the situations or people around me for my own benefit (in a good way), and I can be really selfish sometimes, and people should be because in today's world being selfless is equal to being self destructive.

Rose Lawrence effortlessly engages in captivating conversations, charming those around her with her magnetic allure, while Shawn exudes warmth and kindness, embodying the nurturing type. The similarity in these qualities, they resonate with my own sociable nature.

9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers?

 I think the concept of Chrono-Angel will prove to be the primary attraction for drawing in new readers, as mentioned in the very first chapter, Chrono-Angels, are the heavenly creatures who grant miracles and unleash catastrophes as per the orders of higher powers, but there is more than just that when it comes to Chrono-Angels, they possess way more unique powers and duties which the readers will unravel in the upcoming chapters.

Also, two sociopaths, orchestrating a game against fate, will they be the one controlling the strings or will they end up being controlled, all this mystery would definitely lure in readers, making them come up with their own exciting theories.

10 do you have any future projects?

 Right now, my future projects include the series of 7 Lives Apart, as there is a lot to be told, to be uncovered, but I'm also thinking of writing some other stories as well. You see sometimes I'm just overflowing with ideas but for now I'd like to keep my focus on this story and make it into a series worth reading, a series that occupies a part of my readers' hearts!

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