A showcase with @marthamayw, author of Hazel Darling Lives a Lie

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

A friend of mine writes brilliant books and she was conveying hidden messages like bullying, suicide in her work and I wanted to do the same, spread awareness and signs, and then came along Hazel Darling.

2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story?

The title, I always always struggle with the title it's one if those things I'm not happy with therefore I can't continue the book without a title. It gets very frustrating! But also choosing the characters names, however once I have then they've all stuck in my heart <3

3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story?

Writing the first kisses, the teasing in an almost relationship and showing that not everything is as it seems. We are such a judgmental society and I wanted to show people what judgement can do and cause.

4 what's the overall response of your story from your readers?

That they love it, its very cleverly written and I write about Hazel and Connor's almost relationship well. I also think they like it when I suit the book to my readers so I've offered alternate endings for the characters because other people believed in a different ship. I think having that connection and respect I think is the word really helps your readers like you especially when you cater to their needs. However I do always make sure it still follows the original story line (:

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series ?

 I had thought about a Novel but I find that I can get hired quite easily and loose connection with my book especially with other ideas in my head so I have learnt to keep them stand alone and allow myself time away from them when needed. You can't force a story you can only work with it.

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

The hidden meaning behind, being that if someone says something to you, with a straight face and they swear and their grandma it's true. It isn't always. We need people in this world to keep a more open mind in life and to not judge so quickly if at all. Everyone has a sorry they don't write, everyone has a chapter they leave out if they're comfortable telling their story and its often a chapter that's traumatic, misunderstood etc. So, I would love my readers, once they've finished my book, to step away and look at the world through new eyes or as I say Connor's eyes, because he was the only one who accepted and loved Hazel for who she really was, and really think about listening and loving before judging and hating (:

7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story?

Use your emotions to your power. Yes emotions are vee uncontrollable and sometimes uncomfortable but if you can harness it and focus it into your writing it'll make it seem more real instead of trying to guess those emotions for a certain event. I love making a Playlist or finding one that connects me to my story and I love listening to Playlists for other stories. I also think an important message is too do it because you love it and don't ever stop. Before Wattpad I wrote with pen and paper every day and I still do because it connects me to my story far better than a keyboard and computer. But doing it because you love it Is the most important reason of writing.

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

Yes super much. Hazel has a lot of me in her and I love u sign my personality in my characters because it brings them to life and I feel connected to them even more knowing what they're feeling as they're going through certain times in their life.

9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers?

Drama, lies and love. I think that mix brings catastrophe but such an amazing story line hehe.

10 do you have any future projects?

 Yes, yes I do. I find it hard to not have future projects whilst working on a big piece. Hazel Darling was a little exception because it was my personal lock down projects so I just kept going and going until it was finished which is the first time I've ever done that. I have minor projects which I might go back to one day but right now I'm working on a novel about two young adults who meet every lifetime in the same place. It's based over the 1870's the 1940's and 2021!

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