A showcase with @Hii726, author of Hidden

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1. What inspired the idea of your story?

The story Frozen 2 inspired me to write the story but it's not a whole 'copy' of the original story... I just used the characters' powers in my story and nothing else!

2. What is something you struggled constructing with your story?

Within the story, there wasn't any struggle to build up the plot twists, the characters, and everything but the place to publish my story made me struggle too much as at first, I uploaded my story on Youtube but I didn't get considerable views so it made me upset. Later on, I find out about Wattpad and found amazing stories here. Wattpad inspired me to write my stories and publish them here. So yeah! I'm here now!

3. What did you enjoyed writing most of your story? 

I enjoyed writing the climax scenes in the story as they are kinda interesting because my story is mysterious and thriller so whenever I write a 'Part', I just think that what should reveal today and like this, I don't make my readers bored. 

 4. What's the overall response of your story from your readers? 

 Umm... It's good but not 'That' good. I mean I got 48 reads till now. But still, some supported me from the start and I'm satisfied enough as a beginner. (I'm happy)

 5. Is your story a stand-alone novel or a piece of series? 

 It's a stand-alone but maybe in the future, it MAY have book 2. 

6 What would you like your readers to take away from your story?

UNITY! The most important thing in one's life. If you don't know about it then you don't know about LOVE. Reason - It's because my story is all about kindness, betrayals, backstabbing, unity power, self-loving, and much more. It will tell you about LOVE, the REAL LOVE. And it's not like other stories in which they do... Something... You know...

7. What advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own stories?

 I'm still a beginner but I would love to share something, "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." I'm attached to this quote from the core of my heart and want you all to follow it too.

8. Does your main character share any similarities with yourself?

 Yeah! It does! Like Adira is very strong from the outside but very soft from the inside. She loves BLUE color. She is a Self-Lover. Whenever she is sad... She doesn't show it to anyone. Afraid of losing someone. Not afraid to stand out but still is scared to even think about getting hate from others or something like that. Humanitarian, caring, kind, powerful! All over, she is the same as me as I wanted to share my feelings and thoughts by typing them down on the screen. I wanted to show the real self of one. 

9. What is something about your story you believe would draw in readers?

 I think that the way I wrote about self-loving may draw attention to them. Or that it's inspired by Frozen... But it's interesting if you keep reading it till the end. The first 2-3 chapters maybe not be that interesting but they will be in the future and I believe in it. (I believe in myself!)

10. Do you have any future projects?

 Yeah! I do have! But I won't reveal them until my first project won't be completed. 

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