A showcase with @PVChan01, author of "The Wild Card's Queen"

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

The original manga for sure: hunterxhunter (hxh). The art and writing by Yoshihiro Togashi is an inspiration to me. I've read a few of his works (he's married to the creator of Sailormoon, by the way- the king married the queen, which is an inspiring love story all on its own). He created a whole world complete with interesting and different politics. His ability to create games and layered plots is attractive to me. However, most of my story is original. Violet, the lead female, is an original character with a completely separate backstory to anything hxh related. This was developed over many years. This story is really to see if there would be an interest in the six stories of my world that are fully original and yet to be released. Violet didn't have a strong counterpart, so it was fun to pair her with someone from hxh.

2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story?

I very much struggle with the slower scenes. I have been told I have a natural talent for horror and action scenes. However, slow scenes are difficult. My dialogue always gets interest from readers, but I struggle to move between expressions, body movements, and speaking scenes when it's slower. It can feel choppy, so I have to do several edits to get it right. I have significantly improved thanks to the help of friends. However, there is still improvement needed in these areas. 

3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story?

I really enjoyed the growth of the character's relationship and the action scenes. Fighting scenes are like a dance. Some were very difficult to choreograph, and every fight you see often had several versions. I enjoyed doing it, though. Writing Violet's snarky responses was also a fun activity. Particularly since those lines are so well received by the fans. 

4 what's the overall response of your story from your readers?

It's mixed. The intended audience has given me nothing but love and great feedback. I've been shocked at how many people reading my story know nothing of the fandom also love the story- particularly the original aspects. Sometimes I'll hook a reader accidentally with my first chapter who struggles to get through the layered plot. They usually give up by chapter three. It's not an easy read for everyone and details matter in the current chapter and later chapters. They'll slowly be revealed as important hints tying together later scenes. I love reading stories like this, where you have to try and figure out what is going on because it's not spelt out. The twist and turns are great. However, not everyone likes that kind of plot, so I can get a mixed response.

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series?

My story is what I would call a "Master Volume". It's done in "arcs" each arc could be considered one book. However, they all tie together to get the whole story. Arc 1 is quite long (76 chapters), but this is actually because I tied the timeline in hxh of two arcs into one. Arc 2 will be shorter. We're at chapter 25 of arc two when I'm writing this and over halfway through that arc. 

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

 The plot evolves greatly as we go along, depending on which part of the story you're reading. I think, for me, the major takeaway is that you can be powerful and self-reliant, but people are social creatures. We can survive alone, but we only truly live and find our greatest strength when others support us. This story revolves around a romantic relationship- but that doesn't have to be the case. It can just be a great network of friends too. Violet was surviving and was very strong, but she wasn't living until she met Hisoka, and the same is true of him. The main takeaway from the romantic relationship side is it's not the big things but the little ones that matter. Yes, Hisoka saves Violet, and Violet thinks she's saving Hisoka. However, it's all the little things that build the relationship.

7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story?

 It's your story and your world. Don't focus too much on what others have to say about it. You have a story to tell, and that is beautiful! Grammar is great, but the best grammar cannot make up for a weak story or poorly planned plot/storyline. Plan your story before you write, then write for creativity. The grammar comes after the story is there. Take what you need from others' critiques and throw out the rest- it's just one or a few people's opinions. 

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

Violet does share a lot with me. I think we put a little of ourselves in every character. There is no way you cannot do it- you're the one writing. However, Violet is very similar to me, but also different and unique. Her hair color and eyes are based on mine, and her snark is completely 100% me. Her outlook on life is similar as well. However, she has strength (inner and physical) that I will never possess. She certainly likes to get into trouble way more than myself. She runs toward things I would be moving countries to get away from, but that's what we love about her. 

9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers?

Violet, as a strong female lead, is a big draw. But if you like a twist on paranormal and mixing with the modern world, it's for you. The big thing I think is the mystery of the story. In arc 2, we still don't know why the vortex happened and what is happening. Answers are starting to be revealed! Now is the time to read since some of the questions are being answered. However, I warn you. I'm a bit mean. For every answer I give, I lay out three more questions  

10 Do you have future projects?
For now, I'll finish the Wild Card's Queen arcs. However, yes, I'd like to do a two-book series next: "The Dragon's Slave" and "Dragon Father's Queen". Then likely "The Emperials" (this story features Violet's Grandmother). Both will be fully original series. 

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