A showcase with @blossomollie, author of: Renatus

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

I was inspired by the reincarnation concept, then I took a look at my pets and how sexual harassment around us. So that's how I found myself wanting to combine them in a story.

2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story?

 I'm struggling at how to heat up the plot. I'm trying to make it reasonable to get into the climax but still easy to be understood. 

3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story?

 I enjoy imagining that the main character is myself. Also, I enjoy when I write romantic scenes. It's easier to write when we imagining that the main character is our own selves.

4 what's the overall response of your story from your readers?

Overall, the responses are positive, and I'm so grateful for it. But I haven't got any critical responses and I would be so glad if any of you would do it because I need it so much to improve my story. 

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series ?

stand alone story

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

 I'd love that my readers start move on, start over, and enjoy the rest of their lives after reading my story. God gives us the chances to live, so don't waste them. Be grateful, count your blessings.

7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story?

Take it easy but seriously. Don't push yourself too hard. If you got stuck, breath in and out, take some time alone to think, and relax. The key is to keep your mind clean and relax, then it could increase your focus on what you are working on.

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

Yes. It is more easy to put half of my personality to build the main character.

9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers?

The plot, of course : how my main character is struggling with her trauma and trying to accept her fate with the support of her people.

10 do you have any future projects?

Yes, I have future projects. I have a plan to make spin-off of Renatus. 

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