𝖿᥆r𝗍ᥡ-ᥒіᥒᥱ - mᥲ𝗍𝗍ᥱ᥆

Start from the beginning

What am I missing?

I blinked more of the continuous tears back and began running towards the parking lot. Ethan was running after me I'm sure, but I didn't care. I just needed her to be okay.

"Matteo, people are coming. What are you doing?" He asked gently as I reached the parking lot.

"I-I need to get her to th-the place. I n-need her to b-be safe."

My lungs constricted in short, shallow breaths. I felt like I was suffocating, but I couldn't worry about me. My hands were practically useless at that point. They shook as if there was an earthquake.

I placed Faye's seemingly lifeless body onto the nearest bench.

"Matteo," Ethan comforted, placing his hand on my arm, gently rubbing it, "she's gonna be fine."

I ignored his sympathy and focused on the girl in front of me.

"H-hold on, t-they're c-coming, okay?  Hang on, if-if not for you then for m-me," I pleaded, clutching her frail hand.

I heard the sirens grow louder by the second.  The ambulance poorly parked in the lot and the paramedics began rolling out a gurney and charging toward us.  Ethan pried me away from Faye so they could get her on the stretcher.

"What is your relation to her," somebody came up and asked.

"I-I'm her brother."

He asked if I was coming with them to which I nodded frantically, eager to follow him into the vehicle.

"I'll be there soon," Ethan insisted after grabbing my arm, "I'll be driving right behind you guys."

"You don't have to do that."

"Just go be with Faye.  You shouldn't be alone after that."

I nodded absentmindedly.  After, I ran over to the ambulance and hopped inside before they shut the doors.  My hand instinctively grabbed Faye's.

I was so out of breath and sweaty but I didn't have it in me to pay any mind to it at the moment.  All my focus was on Faye.

"Oh god," I whispered as her heart beat on the monitor quickened.  Pain swept over my immobile body.

She can't be gone.

I can't lose her too.

Talking took up the sound of the vehicle.  I answered all of their questions to the best of my ability, not taking my eyes off of my sister.

The vehicle finally came to a stop and the doors were being opened, exposing me to the bright sunlight. 

People rolled out the gurney and yelled out her condition.  The doctors all rushed her inside, almost faster than I could follow.


I still managed to run with them, not wanting to leave her.  I needed to keep her safe.  It was my job to keep her safe, and I'd failed that job already.  I wasn't going to fail again.

"Sir, you can't be past this point," one of the doctors said.

"No," I begged, "no please."

"She can escort you to the waiting room," the doctor requested, gesturing to a petit nurse.

"You don't get to quit on me, okay?" I assured my sister, pressing a light kiss on her forehead, "do great, I love you."

I let the nurse take me away.  I was still so dazed.  I greeted Ethan with a bone crushing hug in the room the nurse took me to.  He squeezed me tightly until the tears finally began to fall.

I tried so hard to push them all back, but I couldn't.  I didn't know why was wrong or if Faye would be okay.  All I could do was sit in the unknown until the doctors called me.  I didn't know where she was going or when she'd be back.

I felt his grip loosen, but I immediately tightened mine.

"Please," I whimpered, "just stay.  I need you."

"Okay," he whispered, placing his hand on the back of my head and playing with my hair.

We held each other for an eternity and more.  I felt so helpless.  Being in his comfort made it better, but the pit in my chest didn't go away.

I finally let him go reluctantly.  He led me to a little couch and we both sat down.  The cushion was cheap but I wasn't in the place to critique.

I started to grow sick to my stomach.  I was in so much pain and had nowhere to execute it.  My leg shook relentlessly.

I heard a flatline go off in the next room.  My chest tightened and I let out a sob.

"Please, please wake up," I whispered to myself, "I can't do this without you."


A/N: I cannot express the amount of gratitude i have for each and every one of you. Thank you for clicking on this story and sticking it out to the very end. I don't expect many of you to read the authors note, but if you are, this has been such a wonderful journey and I can assure you that by the time this chapter comes out a new story will be in the making. It took me 284 days to make this and I would take 365 more if it meant people would read and enjoy it and I'm gonna be taking a lot more time getting you guys more books. Also I wanted to thank everyone who has voted or commented or even viewed. It's currently almost at 3K (now almost4.5k) but I can imagine it'll be at a bit more than that, although I can't expect much. All in all, thank you again for this amazing journey and I can't wait to go through it again.

QOTD: What were your thoughts on Cover Girl?

Word Count: 1488

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