𝗍һіr𝗍ᥡ-𝗍һrᥱᥱ - mᥲ𝗍𝗍ᥱ᥆

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Okay so it's Monday, the actual day after I posted the last chapter, and I just wanted to thank you all so much for 2k. It took me over 7 months to hit 1k and to hit 2k 4 days after that is absolutely crazy. Thank you all so much I literally cannot believe this.

I hugged Brielle and parted ways. Things were going good for us so far.

My girlfriend.

It felt weird to say out loud.  I have a girlfriend.  Every day I longed for a relationship, and now I had one, but the feeling was still the same.

I went inside and sighed at the ear piercing screams of my mother.  I heard magazine, ugly, pores, and disgrâce before running upstairs.  Their fights seemed like a daily routine at this point.  Word after word, they both brought each other down just to see who will destroy the other first.

I think my mother is winning.

There are very selective things that hurt my mother, but, if you choose to use them, be prepared for a world of hurt.  I have chose to ignore every single thing that could rip into my mother's soul; however, Faye was a different story.  Even if she didn't know it, Faye wanted out mother to hurt the way she was hurting her.  All I hoped was that it wasn't as bad of what was shown in the open.

I shut the door to my bedroom, letting out a loud groan.  I leaned against my windowsill and looked out into the world.  All I could see was Ethan's house.

Inside his window, I glanced at him.  His eyes were red and puffy, tear after tear rolling down them.  I quickly rubbed away the tears in my eyes and rushed out of my room.

I silenced out the yells of my family and ran across the grass.  I didn't bother knocking on the door or taking my shoes off.  I jumped up the stairs two at a time and I too his bedroom.  He was leaning against his bed leaning on his elbows, sobbing into his hands.

I quickly wrapped my arms around Ethan l, letting him sob in my shoulder.  I wanted to tell him it was all okay.  I wanted to tell him everything would turn out, but in reality, how could you predict the future when you don't know anything about the past.  I couldn't tell him that it was okay because I didn't even know why he was crying.  What if it wasn't okay?  What if it didn't turn out in his favor?

Instead, I rubbed circles of the small of his back and let him cry.

His grip around my neck was so tight, almost suffocating.  Despite my need to breathe, I squeezed him back just as tight.

He didn't want me to let go.  He was hanging into me, almost scared that I might not even be there, or that when he opens his eyes I won't be.  Even if he didn't want to believe it, I would always be there.  Every. Single. Time.

His cries had stopped a while ago and he began to gradually pull away.  I saw his red and puffy face and wiped the remaining tears from his eyes.

"Do you want me to stay?" I asked softly.  He weakly nodded and pulled me to his bed.  I laid my head on the pillow and sighed contently as he crawled up and rest his head on my chest.

I closed my eyes and let the exhaustion of my day overtake me.


I slowly woke up to a quiet alarm.  Ethan was still asleep on my chest.  I reached over and turned his alarm off.

I ruffled Ethan's hair, but all he did was move up and  nestled his head into my neck.  I heard bus quiet snores again and laughed at the sight.  I quickly took a picture of him to show later.

"Ethan," I said softly into his ear.  Nothing.  Somehow, he was even clingier in his sleep than when awake.  "Ethan!" I yelled right into his ear.

His head shot up, knocking me in my temple.  I stumbled back and collapsed off the bed.

"Oh my god!" Ethan yelled, overly concerned.  "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

I slowly sat on the floor.  I held my hand out to him.  He took it and began lifting me up, but I pulled him down before he could.  He fell down on top of my chest and raised his head to look at me.

"Payback," I whispered into his ear.

He scoffed and pushed back against my chest.  I laughed and pushed him off of me so I could stand up.

"Bye Matteo," he said softly.

"Goodbye Ethan."


Ethan sat with a seemingly displeased expression.

Brielle was sitting with us, and we were all talking. He looked annoyed.

It's probably just his parents again. I tried to convince myself, but it seemed like something more. I wished he's just talked to me, but until then, I'll just wait.

I kissed Brielle goodbye and began walking with Ethan.

"Are you okay?" I tried to subtly ask, "you seem quiet."

He nodded absentmindedly and walked into the classroom.  I sat next to him and it took every nerve in my body not to pry.

He would open up eventually. When he was ready.

"Hey princess?" His eyes met mine.

I ignored the nickname and gestured for him to continue.

"Are you in love with her?" I couldn't pinpoint the emotion to his voice, but I smiled, finally feeling comfortable to ramble to my best friend about Brielle.

"I'm not right now," his tense shoulders dropped a bit, "but I could see myself falling in love with her," his shoulders were back.  I wasn't sure why this was his reaction, but I continued, "She's funny and sweet and everything I would look for in a girl.  I haven't been with her long enough to say I'm in love with her, but I'd say I'm pretty close."

I beamed, watching my friend process the information.  It felt so freeing.

"You really like her, don't you," he whispered.

"I really do."

QOTD:  how many kids would you want, if any, and if you could choose, what genders?

Word Count: 1050

Cover GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora