"..........." She opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. She tries to swallow and opens her mouth again, but nothing comes out.

You can see the fear on clearly on her face. What on earth has her mother poured down her throat? We can all se fingerprints on her neck quite clearly, so she really used force. I walk to the kitchen and bend down near where she threw the glasses and smells lemon and vinegar.

"Sean, check her throat for burns. Lemon juice and vinegar." I say as I come in to the room again.

He shoots me a look before doing as told. I can see right away when he sees what I meant, and I can see he struggles to keep a happy face.

"What?" all the guys shout out. Ms.Sorenson jumps out of her skin and turns almost scarlet red when she discovers that it's not only Sean and me in the living room.

"Mr. Lee- you go home with Mr. Griffin and Mr. Taylor. Call a family meeting in 30 minutes in your home. Dr.Green and myself will figure this out. Mr. Griffin what did you want me to check out?" I say, and I can see the guys are going to disagree, but I just sent them a look.

"Upstairs Mr.Blackbourne. Check out the bedrooms." He says before going out the door reluctantly.

"Sean. Try to get something out of her and explain today's events. Ms.Sorenson- I will go upstairs and find some clothes for you. Try to breathe easy and just whisper." She puts her finger to her lip, drawing attention to her cute face. I give her a smile before heading up the stairs.

Sang POV

Waking up I'm startled to see Dr.Green hovering over me with a washcloth, checking for what I assume is injuries. I would hate for it to be him trying to feel me up - or would I? He is quite good looking and it's tingling where he touches. WHAT? What's wrong with me? He's my teacher. Wait, what is he doing here?

I open my mouth to ask him, but the only thing coming out of my mouth is bad breath and a croak. Huh? I try to swallow and try again, but nothing comes out. Oh no, what has she done?

Then hear a familiar voice ask Dr.Green check for burns in my throat. What is Mr.Blackbourne doing her? Dr.Green opens my mouth and lights down my throat, and I can hear an intake of breath and do not need to see his face to understand he is shocked and not pleased. I feel his hands starting to stroke my arms to soothe me, and I feel I'm shaking.

Suddenly other voices shout out and I'm sure I almost died of the shock, and then humiliation. I'm suddenly aware I am almost naked with just a blanket around me with five guys in my living room. How did they get in? Where is mom? Mr.Blackbourne sends them home, and based on their faces they are not pleased about that. The guy from gym tells him something before following the one with glasses, and last the scary looking guy from homeroom is falling behind. What on earth are they doing here?

Mr.Blackbourne then turns his attention to me and asks me to breathe easy and just whisper before he gives me a millimetre smile and turns to walk up the stairs. I start to panic and raises to follow him, but thing starts to spin and I have to sit down again.

"Try to relax sweetie. He is just going to get you some clothes. Judging by the amount of vomit on the kitchen floor I would have to say you don't have anything in your stomach at the moment. You have to take it easy, eat this crackers." Dr.Green says and hands me a pack of salted crackers from his bag.

"Why don't you tell me what happened here today, Pookie? I can't help you before I know what's wrong."

"Pookie?!!" I croak out low and turn red again. He just smiles at me and shrugs.

"Would you like it better if I call you sweetheart?" He grins and gives me his signature smile and winks.


"Don't worry Ms.Sang. Now, tell me. What happened with your mother? And don't worry about her; she is out cold at the moment. It's you I'm worried about."

Do I trust him and tell him everything? I put my finger to my mouth again, but he just takes it away and takes my hands in his before lifting me to sit in his lap. Shifting to get the blanket around me better I sits up straight and tells him all that happened today. I'm not sure he gets all I whisper, but he strokes my back and I'm starting to relax against him and putting my head against his shoulder. And I don't really like intimate contact with people, what is it with this guy?

"The events at school I knew." He tells me. I don't know if he can feel me stiffen and wanting to get an explanation, because he tightens his grip before he continues.

"The guy with the glasses, the one from the gym and the other one are in the same group of friends. The same group of friends you saw watching you in lunch today. Mr.Blackbourne and myself are kind of group leaders. We are at the school to keep order between the students and teachers. So when Kota, the one with the glasses and who lives right across the street from you, saw the exchanging of looks between you and your sister he came and told us. All of us were rather afraid of what could be happening between you and your sister, so Kota and Nathan, the one from gym who is also living up the street, took the bus home to keep an eye on you."

"Stalk me?"

"No sweetie. Just keep an eye on you and see if something happened."

"But why? Mom has been punishing me for several years now. And no one has ever done anything, neither Marie nor my dad. As soon as guys talked to me or touched me and Marie saw, I knew I was in trouble. So I have been keeping me to myself the last six years. I wasn't even allowed in Sex-Ed at school, because mom meant I would just get ideas. The only reason I'm allowed to have gym is because at Ashley Waters we split up."

"Because we wanted to, and had the opportunity. All of the guys wanted this. They noticed you at lunch today and saw someone like them. We are a group of guys with broken families ourselves, so it's easy to recognise others. We all wanted to protect you from harm. You're just so beautiful! And don't think I haven't noticed how you act at school. Always staying by yourself at lunch, in classes and trying to look invincible. I knew right away that something was off, and now I know why you haven't reacted to my flirting in class." He says and winks.

"You flirt with everyone Dr.Green." I say and blush.

"No, I don't. Well I did, but the first day at school changed me. All I have wanted to do since I met you was to hug you, to comfort you. And now that the rest of the guys have noticed you, don't think you can escape us. I can't talk for all of them, but I am pretty certain you have gotten some new friends for life."

"No! You saw what Marie and mom did today, and that was just me talking to some guys. Imagine what would happen if I started to hang out with you guys."

"And that is my cue." Mr.Blackbourne says coming in the room with some clothes for me.

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