Ye Yunjie couldn't help but shake her head. Sighing, she said, "Young Jiang, things seem to have become tricky, ah, I suspect that this Chu family, has acquired that engineering equipment company!"

"What?" Jiang Hao was also stunned at the sound of his words and said incomparably shocked, "How is this possible? Didn't you already use your connections to put the Chu family on the verge of bankruptcy before? Their capital chain is all broken, and the banks and debtors are all looking for them, so how could they possibly go back to acquire that company? And ......"

Jiang Hao's eyebrows rose immediately, as if he really couldn't think of which part of the problem had arisen.

Jiang Hao then asked, "And isn't that company a third bigger than the Chu family's company, both in terms of valuation and company size? If the Chu family wanted to swallow such a company, they would at the very least have to have several hundred million in cash to pay for it, but ...... no, it's impossible ......"

Ye Yunjie narrowed her eyes. Deeply looking at Chu Yuan and Chu Zhengting, of course she knew that this was all unlikely, but was there a second, more reasonable explanation?

"You guys acquired them, didn't you?" Suddenly. Ye Yunjie asked this out directly, and without the slightest hesitation, as if she had already concluded this matter.

And Jiang Hao also hurriedly looked at Chu Yuan and Chu Zhengting with an incomparably serious expression.

Chu Zhengting and Chu Yuan looked at each other and smiled, suddenly clapping their hands and laughing, "Sure enough, Miss Ye is really smart, she guessed what was going on at once. Haha ......"

Chu Zhengting directly admitted this matter, but Ye Yunjie was not the least bit happy in her heart.

This was a f*cking nightmare!

Ye Yunjie sniffed and looked at Jiang Hao, only to find that Jiang Hao was also looking at her.

In fact, both of them knew very well in their hearts that it was time for them not to laugh out loud.

Because within the province, apart from the Chu family's company, there was only this one engineering equipment company that could be used for the City South project. Other companies were either not qualified enough or too small to undertake many projects.

Originally, both Jiang Hao and Ye Yunjie felt that this company was already a sure thing for them.

However, they did not expect this change to come so suddenly, and the seriousness of the matter was far more frightening than they had imagined.

Obviously, after the Chu family had acquired this company, there would be no more suitable engineering equipment companies to choose from in the whole huge area for the south of the city project.

And if they went from other, more distant places, then the cost would increase a lot, and large engineering equipment, whether transported or dispatched, would take too much time.

And even if you can negotiate a company from outside the province, then the time spent in the middle of the negotiation and tug of war. Add to that the time it takes to transport the equipment, and months may pass.

For a project like this, the cost could be in the millions a day.

The months of delay alone could be a huge expense. It would already be a huge amount of money.

Obviously, the Chu family had acquired this company, and what a subtle move this move was, surprisingly one step had strangled Jiang Hao's throat. It made him unable to move.

No wonder this father and son had looked smug from the moment they entered, it turned out that they had planned all this.

It was at this moment. Chu Yuan spoke again, the expression on his face growing more and more pompous and open, and even crossed his feet directly on the conference table.

"How about it, have you thought it through now? Can we continue our negotiations?"

Ye Yunjie glanced at Jiang Hao, her brows locked in a frown.

At a time like this, she could only let Jiang Hao make up his own mind, because the situation was already obvious: either talk to the Chu family about cooperation, or reject the other side.

And to talk to the Chu family, almost without even thinking, before Jiang Hao had humiliated the Chu Jiang people's words and actions, the Chu family father and son will not hesitate to give him back, and is bound to be several times dozens of times back.

But if they don't, the consequences are obvious: the project is temporarily on hold and they will be looking for qualified engineering equipment companies from nearby areas like a needle in a haystack.

But it's easy to find them, but it's a different matter whether or not they can immediately enter into a partnership.

If the other party knows about their current predicament, they will use it as a bargaining chip to deliberately raise the price and cut the price at the negotiating table.

If you have no choice, you will have to resign yourself to your fate.

Anyway, at this moment, it seems that Ye Yunjie has already seen the gloomy and bumpy future of this south of the city project.

She looked at Jiang Hao with a gloomy expression and asked in a low voice, "Jiang Shao, what do you think we should do?"

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