Chapter 18

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As it turns out, the bowling alley serviced both the avengers but also the stark hotel but could be closed off for just the Avengers. I told Steve that there was no reason to deny everyone else entertainment while went on our date. I was wearing a cute pair of dark jeans and a simple t-shirt, along with my sneakers. I ignored the workers currently working on my apartment since I had said hi to them earlier and they seemed disinterested in making conversation. Friday informed me that Steve was at my door, exactly on time, so I ran over to the door excitedly. I opened it up and there he was, also dressed casually but still utterly gorgeous.

"Hi," I smiled up at him as he took in my outfit. He smiled back at me.

"You look beautiful," he told me as he offered his arm out for me to loop mine through. I did so as I closed my door behind me.

"You look handsome yourself," I responded with a smile as he began to lead me toward the elevator.

"I got you these," he said, and I could sense his nerves as he handed me a small box.

"Steve, you didn't have to get me anything," I said as I took the box and realized it was a box of chocolates. "But I really appreciate it," I stood on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek quickly as the elevator opened. We headed down to the bowling alley and I had a wide smile on my face.

"Bucky was thinking of joining us later if you'd like. He's training right now," Steve told me as we went over to get bowling shoes.

"Awh, it'd be fun if he joined us, if you'd want him to, Stevie. I know this is our date but I'm always open to it being a three-way date," I told him as I could see the blush creep up onto Steve's face.

"Buck is my long-term partner... and, well, I'd like this to go somewhere, too," he said nervously.

"I like you guys too," I assured Steve gently as we were handed our shoes and began to put them on.

"You do?" he said, looking up at me like a puppy dog.

"I wouldn't have kissed you, or said yes to this," I motioned around, "if I didn't like you, Steve."

"But Bucky..." he began.

I gave him a quick harsh look, knowing what he was going to say. "Bucky did not force me to do any of this, Steve. I am here of my own free will. It's true that Bucky was the one who kissed me. But I'm the one who kissed you. And I'm interested in Buck, too, Steve. Even if I haven't taken as much initiative there as I have with you, understand?" he nodded, and my stern look quickly dissolved into a smile.

"Good, Stevie. This is all very complicated, but I am typically polyamorous as well. We will see where all of this goes and I would like to date the pair of you separately and together if that's how things evolve. We just got to experiment, have open communication, and see where this takes us."

After Steve assured me he understood we picked out some bowling balls and headed over to our lane. The bowling alley wasn't too crowded, there were probably a total of ten people across the eight lanes, and most of them were in a group at the opposite end of where Steve and I would be. I spotted Mark among the crowd, and he along with a few other members of the group were trying to sneakily eye Steve and me. I didn't care, though. Steve and I got to our lane and began to play, and while Steve was doing alright, I was doing terribly.

Steve was chuckling as my ball found the gutter once again. "Maybe you need to spend some time training with Clint," Steve giggled. I glared at him playfully as he picked up his ball and threw it, knocking down eight of the ten pins; causing me to groan as he threw his ball again, knocking down the remaining pins.

An Act of... Love? [An Avengers Polyamorous Fanfic]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum