73| Where is Sirius?

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Back to Cassie's POV:

The events that happened, zoomed in my mind. The torture, Bellatrix, Draco saving me, and the mysterious person.

My eyes slowly fluttered open. "Cass!" Anne screamed and hugged me tight. I hugged her back, equally as tight. I felt that if I let go, someone would come and separate us.

"Cass! How are you feeling?" A worried Harry came rushing from the corner of the room. He propped up my pillow so that I could lean against it.

"Let her rest! Harry, go inform the others." Ginny said, and came over. "Soo how are you?" she asked.

"I've been better."

Molly rushed over and gave me my medicines. "Drink this after half an hour or so. It helps with the pain." she said, and kept a glass of liquid that looked like water, on the table next to the bed.

"I'm feeling better guys! I'm good." I said to the people who were surrounding me. The Weasleys, Harry, Sirius, Remus, and Anne were all there. "Wait! How are you three here?" I asked, looking at Harry, Ron, and Ginny.

"When we heard the news, we came home of course!" Ron said.

"What did you think we'd do? Sleep in our dorms?" Ginny asked.

"Don't worry about the timeline stuff." Anne whispered to me. "Come on everyone she needs to breathe." Molly said and ushered everyone out. Sirius and Remus protested, but Molly shoved them out the door.

I held onto Anne's arm, when she tried to walk away. She sat on the edge of my bed, my hand clasped in between hers. "I was so worried." She said quietly. Her eyes searched mine, looking for something. Pain? Sadness? Worry? I did not know.

"I'm here now." I said, gripping my hand tighter. "Who was that person?" she asked.

"Who?" I asked.

"The person who cast the light?"

"Dunno. But he looked familiar..."

"Familiar how?" she scrunched her eyebrows together.

"I feel like I had seen him somewhere. The hair, the same eyes, the face structure. It looked different but somehow... I felt familiar with it."

"Hmm..." she hummed in thought.

"By the way. How did you see him?" I asked.

"Ever since we got to the burrow, my eyes were fixed on the window. I looked away for a moment, and that's when I saw the blue light, the man and you."

"Terrance went back for classes?" I asked. He had left to see his friend or something yesterday, and had to leave yesterday night.

"Nice boyfriend you're worrying about. He didn't even come to check on you!" she scoffed.

"That's strange... maybe he had to leave?"

"We sent him a letter, and there was no response! He didn't come check on you! Nor did he care."

"I'm sure he m-"

"Cass. I have to tell you something." Anne said seriously, her hand not holding mine anymore; leaving it cold.

"What?" I asked. My mind still on Terrance.

"I've been suspicious of him for sometime now..." Anne said.

"Who?" I asked. Surely she didn't mean Terrance."

"Terrance Walter a.k.a your boyfriend."


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